Chapter 30: That will be your downfall.

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The trip took longer than expected, he was happy to be back home. He tried many times to leave earlier, but things kept happening and more problems arose. He pushed the door open just to be met with a deafening silence. His bile rose in his throat as no sounds were heard from her room. Usually there was so some sort of noise, the rattling of the chains, her voice, even the water from her bathroom, there was nothing. He threw his bags on the floor and ran to her room to find it empty. He trailed the chains up to the bathroom, only to find her unconscious on the floor.

"No, no no." He screamed in agonizing pain. He couldn't lose her now, not when he was that close to be the object of her affection.

With trembling hands he managed to unlock the chains and scooped her in his arms. He gently placed her in his comfortable bed. He frantically searched for any signs of wounds, there was nothing, then he noticed she had a high fever. Her body was weak, almost like she hadn't eaten in days. He ran his hand through his hair, panicked out of his mind. He had no idea how to help her, and just dumping her in some cold place for someone else to find her, it wasn't an option. Though he many times threaten her that he will kill her, he couldn't do it. His obsession for her didn't allow him to do so. He couldn't imagine a world where she wasn't breathing, or smiling.

From the first moment he saw her in the stage, he was hypnotized. All he could think of, was her. Her smile, her moves, her angelic beautiful smile, the world was not ready for her loss, and neither was he. It killed him every time someone else got to touch her, or even got to be around her. He wanted to destroy everything and everyone that had ever been close to her. Of course he still wanted to get revenge on Jin and his family for his father's suicide, the reality was different. He hated him because he got to do something he couldn't. He had Jasmine, and all Jackson could do, was to watch them together.

The only thing he could do now, was to call his mother. Before his father's death, she worked as a doctor, she would know what to do. But looking at Jasmine with all her bruises, he had to cover them somehow. He ran to the bathroom, took the foundation and some bandages and tried to cover as much as he could. Once he was done he called his mother.

He was struggling to keep her body temperature stable, when his mother walked in. She looked displeased. "Is that her?" She asked in an icy tone.

"Yes. Please help her." He pleaded. Mrs. Wang rolled her eyes and started to work on her. She took her vitals and gave her some injections.

"This should make her better." She took off her gloves and narrowed her eyes on her hand. She saw the bandage and sighed. "Did she tried to kill herself?" Her tone of voice hadn't changed.

Jackson looked at her and nodded. He couldn't exactly tell her that he kidnapped her, locked her in a room, had a chain attached to her hand, and the wounds were from that. Mrs. Wang shook her head.

"She's not good for you. I knew the moment you told me about her, she'll bring nothing but problems."

"It's not like that mom."

"Shut up." She yelled. "You were supposed to marry someone from your level, not some struggling dance whore."

"She's not a whore." He yelled back. His loud voice woke up Jasmine. Her vision was blurry and she couldn't move, she felt like she was made out of rubber.

Mrs. Wang slapped him. "You do not talk to me that way. Have some respect."

Jasmine listened to them arguing. He was worse than his mother. Both of them had no regard to human feelings, mercy or pity. If only she had enough strength to get up from the bed and tell her the truth, she wasn't there by her own accord, she was a hostage. The thing that bothered her was the fact that he was taking her side, when the most obvious solution was to let her die. She knew what had happened to her. Everything was fine the first week since he left, the second week proved to be disastrous. She fell into a depression that left her with no mood to do anything. She didn't eat or drank water, she was highly dehydrated. She cried herself to sleep every night, until she had little to no energy.

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