Chapter 36: I see what you did there.

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The first thing Katie did after she left home, was to go to a judge and push forward with the divorce, thing that proved really easy since there were no children involved or battles for properties. Of course, the fact that they were keeping their things separately helped a lot. So, the divorce was pronounced faster than normal, she knew a few people.

After she finished with her divorce, the next stop was at the police station. She had to talk to the detective to know exactly what he had gathered so far, to prepare her next step. Of course that she will have to convince Jasmine to press charges against him, she couldn't let him walk away, not after what he had done. She was glad to know that the detective was thinking the same.

However, she didn't expect to find there senator Jeon and his lawyer. When the senator explained the situation and that he will personally make sure that Jackson Wang will be dealt with, since his lawyer was one of the best in the country, she couldn't stay away. She wanted to be the second lawyer. Not necessarily for the fame, but for her cousin. Katie felt that Jasmine and Sophia would be more willing to cooperate if they knew she was involved in the process. Of course working with one of the top lawyers was something she really wanted, she had a lot to learn. The senator Jeon was impressive by himself, the epitome of rich and powerful, no wonder Jungkook had a rough edge.

Jackson didn't make things easier, as soon as he was taken to his cell he called his own lawyer, and she almost had a heart attack when she saw who his lawyer was. He was mean, and very capable of keeping out of jail even Al Capone itself. In the moment the two lawyers met, she was staying at a safe distance from them, the room felt cold. They were in a staring competition with one another as if they were communicating with their eyes, a secret language that only two of them knew.

Before leaving the police station, being assured by both senator Jeon and his lawyer, they shared their findings and made a plan to meet up to continue working. Senator Jeon was happy that she was involved, as he himself knew there were better chances if he had all hands on deck.

Katie was now parking her car in hospital parking lot and took a deep breath. She knew for sure that Yoongi will most definitely be there with Sophia. She was still having an internal battle on what she should do with him. She didn't want to jump in a new relationship so soon, she didn't even know him that well. So, she decided to avoid him altogether if she could, to speak with him only when it was needed.

She found Sophia in the waiting room together with Jin and Yoongi. "Have you talked to the doctor?" She asked before anyone had a chance to say something.

"No. I have no news."

"Didn't he come out to tell you how she is doing? What kind of doctor is he?"

"Katie... Stop." Sophia sighed. "A nurse came and she told us that they were doing some more tests on her."

"Okay." She turned around and marched to the nurse's office. "Hello. I'm Kathrine Green. I'm Jasmine Wood's lawyer. What can you tell me about her condition?" Sure as hell she wasn't going to sit around until someone would get the time to come to talk to them.

The nurse typed something on the computer. "The doctor will be with you in a couple of minutes."

"Thank you." Katie didn't doubt that the doctor was very busy, but she wanted to know about Jasmine's condition. The faster she recovers the better it was for everyone, especially her parents that wanted her home as soon as possible. She only hoped Jasmine was strong enough to survive and press charges.

She went back to the waiting room and sat next to Sophia, completely ignoring Yoongi, which even if he didn't made it obvious his eyes were on her. "The doctor will be here any minute now."

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