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Jasmine walked on the stage, the microphone in her hand. Three years ago, she didn't thought it was possible to have a normal life. She couldn't say she was totally cured, but she doubted that she could completely forget what had happened to her. Still, she chose to live each day without fear. Looking at the audience, her heart filled with pride.

Jin was sitting at the edge of the stage, his eyes locked on hers. She could feel his love a mile away. He was so proud of her, on how far she had come. He made it his special mission to show her every day what she meant to him. They were married now, and she couldn't be happier.

He gave her time, stood by her side and supported her cause on helping victims all over the country. They have opened a house, in help of victims. His family and the Jeon's would often have charity auctions to help her fund her cause. Jin had hired full time the specialist he brought to her during, and before the trial.

She was also proud of the fact that Jin had told her everything. What he did in her absence, how he treated Sophia, and the girls he slept with. He wanted a clean start, no secrets between them. She had stopped talking to him for a while, but Sophia convinced her to see his point of view, and she did. Now, she realized that she had done the right choice by forgiving him.

When the news came out, that Jackson Wang had been violently attacked, she knew Jin had something to do. The same day it was announced, he came home with his jaw bruised and blood on his shirt. She didn't ask why, or how, and he didn't say either. But she knew, all of them knew. What stoked her the most, was when Melanie was arrested and trialed for accessory to murder and accomplice in her kidnapping. She did not see that coming, but she wasn't too shocked by the news either. Melanie was a rotten person, and now all of them knew.

Jasmine then glanced at her parents, who shared the same table with her in-laws. She had to give them credit, they were hitting off despite the social difference. At another table, Jimin held a protective hand over Sophia's baby bump. Jimin was the best brother in law she could ask for. Although, sometimes he drove her sister crazy on how overprotective he could be. He was sweet to her, and took care of her. Jasmine couldn't ask anything else from him.

Even now, with the room packed with people and beautiful girls, his eyes were on Sophia, looking at her as if she was the most dazzling jewel in the world. Yes, he was exactly what Sophia needed.

Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok, Namjoon and Yeona, were sitting at a different table. Yeona was happy to finally be able to walk, and dance. Though Jasmine couldn't state that she had a part to play in her recovery, Yeona wanted to do something for her to show her appreciation. She quit her job as a journalist and she helped Jasmine at her foundation. Writing articles, doing some detective work when needed.

Namjoon had fully accepted her in his family, though before her kidnapping he was reluctant to do so. Jasmine couldn't blame him, they didn't have much of a relationship to begin with.

Taehyung had often helped in some of the cases she had, by hacking people where it was needed. It wasn't conventional, but for some reason it was the only choice at the moment.

Jungkook, on the other hand, he only got involved if he was the last option. She understood that. Using his name too often, would only cause his father problems she didn't want. They had already done more than necessary. He started dating Nicole, a dancer from their club, but she doubted it will go anywhere. She was too shy, and he was too flashy for her. Time will tell, though Jasmine wanted him to be happy.

Hoseok had become her best friend, He was always there when she needed his help, or his advice. He even gave a few dance lessons at her foundation, to bring them some happiness, and help them forget their problems for a little while. Hoseok was an angel to her. He was her sun, and she wouldn't have opened up to her friends, or family, without his help. He helped her overcome her trauma, and stop overthinking everything.

Yoongi and Katie were sitting next to Jimin and Sophia. Jasmine laughed when she thought about them. They were completely smitten with one another. They would often fight on small things, but ending up laughing and kissing one another. They had a fire in them that made them want to push the other a little bit over the edge, but not so far that they would end up fighting for real. Katie had become an important asset to her. Due to her high profile case, Katie had become her lead attorney. She would offer to take some of the victims cases without charging them any fees, at the same time, working at the law firm of senator Jeon's lawyer.

Yoongi, though he said he wanted to stay away, he didn't. He would often lend a helping hand whenever he was needed. His relationship with Sophia had the same similarities as hers with Hoseok.

"Thank you all for coming." Jasmine started her introductions about her foundation and what she had done so far, also what she was planning on doing in the future.

She and her foundation will thrive, not because she was brave or fearless, because of the people in her life. They all brought something that made them indispensable for her. She couldn't live without them. And she knew they knew, she loved them all.

 And she knew they knew, she loved them all

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Another story had come to an end.

I hope you enjoyed my story, as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Feel free to leave your feedback, and your thoughts about the story.

A special shoutout to Amoc94 I couldn't have done it without your constant support. Thank you so much for being with me through all this journey. 💜💜💜💜

Another shoutout to 3_BTSCrackheads thank you for your comments. They crack me up every time I read them. 💜💜💜💜

One very special shoutout to cookies918.
Your comments, and the suport you showed me, it's amazing. I can't thank you enough for everything. 💜💜💜💜

Thank you all. Love yah.

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