Chapter 24: The cousin.

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When Katie, Sophia and Jasmine's cousin, got a call from her aunt telling her that Sophia hadn't contacted them in a while, she too got worried. She jumped in the first bus she could catch and now she found herself at the club where she worked. She was sitting at the bar, worried out of her mind. She hadn't seen Sophia anywhere and panic was about to swallow her alive.

"Do you know where I can find Sophia Wood?" She asked the bartender who was preparing a drink for one of the many customers they had for the night.

"I haven't seen her. She might be on her break." He told her and got back to ignoring her.

Katie sighed. How was she going to find her in a three story building? She took a deep breath and walked to the back, where the girls were supposed to be preparing. She opened the door and stepped in.

"Where can I find Sophia Wood?" She yelled, trying to cover the voices of the girls.

The girls stopped and looked at her like she had three heads. "You're not allowed here."

"Fuck off Melanie." One girl snapped.

She took Katie's hand and dragged her outside. "Who is looking for her?"

"I'm her cousin. She hadn't picked up any of my calls and I'm worried."

The girl looked around and pushed Katie in a dark corner, making sure nobody could hear them. "She's in the office of one of our bosses, Jin."

"How do I go in there?"

"It's on the third floor, fourth door on the left." The girl told her. "Don't tell them I sent you there."

"I won't. I don't even know you." Katie replied reassuringly.

She turned around and left the girl speechless behind. She walked to the third floor and found some guys in the middle of the hallway talking. She clenched her fists and marched towards them, determined to get her answers. What the hell was going inside Sophia's mind to get a job in the last place Jasmine was last seen?

"Where is Sophia?"

Jin, Taehyung and Yoongi, turned around to see her. "Who the hell are you?" Jin asked.

"I'm Sophia's cousin. Where is she?"

"She is sleeping." Taehyung answered unbothered by her bravado.

"Really? Well, I demand to see her." She stood her ground. She had dealt with many people in her life, felonies mostly, she wasn't so easily scared off.

Yoongi stared at her. Something about her seemed familiar, but he had no clue who she was.

Jin rolled his eyes and showed her Jimin's office. "I wouldn't go there if I were you."

"Well, you're not me." She started punching the door until a very pissed off Jimin opened it.

"What?" He barked out.

"I want to see Sophia." She demanded once again. "I ain't leaving until I know she's ok."

"She's ok, she's sleeping. Now you know. You can run along." Jimin turned back and closed the door in her face.

Katie stomped her foot to the ground, making Yoongi jerk back a step. A sudden memory popped into his mind. "You." He glared at her.

Katie turned her attention to where the voice was coming off. "Hell no." She exclaimed upon laying her eyes on him. "Shit." She muttered. Now she was the one in a predicament.

Yoongi took menacing steps towards her, grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. "Lady, we have a lot to talk about." He exclaimed.

"I'm so fucked." She muttered, covering her face with her hand.

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