Truth or Dare - Bill Denbrough

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"Alright y/n, truth or dare?" Richie asked while looking at you.

"Truth," you replied.

"Oh my god you're so boring!" Beverly jokingly said as she elbowed you in the side.

You rolled your eyes and elbowed her back.

"Who do you have a crush on?"

"No one," you quickly replied, hoping to move on to the next person.

"That's a lie. You like-" Beverly started to say.
You quickly slapped your hand over her mouth trying to shut her up.

"Ooooooooooooh," Richie said while looking at you, "you've gotta tell us. It's the rules."

"Y-yeah come on y/n. T-t-tell us," Bill said.

All of the losers stared at you. Beverly starting clawing at your arm. You removed your hand for her mouth when she tried to bite you.

"What the hell y/n? You almost suffocated me," Beverly said through her sudden laughter.

"Come on y/n, just tell us!" Richie said.

You could feel their stares burning into you. Your face went hot and you felt like you wanted to cry.

"Come on guys, leave her alone. She doesn't want to tell us so we shouldn't make her," Mike said as he tried to ease the tension.

"But it's the rules!" Richie said, desperately wanting to know who y/n liked.

Before anyone could say anything else, you got up and walked out of Bill's basement. You ran outside and sat on the steps on the front porch. You immediately burst into tears, the stress of everyone staring at you finally got to you. You wish you picked dare. You would've rathered to have done anything else than risk everyone knowing about your crush on Bill.

Then you heard a door opening behind you. Bill walked out and sat next to you. You sat in silence for a while until Bill started talking.

"B-beverly told us that y-you like m-me."

Your face lit up and your stomach dropped. He knew. Bill knew you liked him and now he probably hates you.

"I'm sorry," you mumbled as you stared at the ground.

"W-what are you s-sorry for?"

"I ruined everything. We were having fun, but then I ran out and cried and ruined everything. And now you know I like you and you hate me."

"W-who said anything about m-me hating y-you?"

You slowly looked over towards Bill. He reached up to your face and wiped the tears from under your eyes away. Then he pulled you into a hug.

"I l-like you too y/n," Bill mumbled silently to you.

You pulled away slightly and smiled at him. Then in a sudden rush of adrenaline you leaned in and kissed him. Bill kissed you back. A few seconds later you both pulled away, blushing and smiling.

"Hey guys! They finally got together!" you heard Richie shout from behind you.

You turned around and saw Richie and Bev standing in the doorframe behind you.

"What? We had to watch!" Richie said, as he raised his hands in defense.

You and Bill started laughing. Then all of you heading back to the basement, continuing to play games for the rest of the night.

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