What Is This Feeling? - Stan Uris

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It was Saturday again. And just like every Saturday, the losers were having a sleepover. This one was at your house. It was also the first one at your house, which put a lot of pressure on you. Because now you had to plan the whole thing.

Luckily for you, Beverly helped you. You had the whole night planned out. Now you were in your room, getting changed for the sleepover, when your door opened.

"You need some help with that?"

You turned around and saw Richie standing in your door frame, with smirk on his face. You immediately covered yourself up and glared at him.

"What the fuck? Get out!" you said as you chucked a pillow at his head.

"Yeesh, harsh much?" Richie said as he laughed and left the room.

You quickly finished getting changed and then headed down to your basement, where the rest of the losers were.

"S-so w-what do you g-guys w-want to do f-first?" Bill asked, taking charge, like always. You were a little relieved that you didn't have to come up with everything.

"Truth or dare!" Richie shouted, eager to play the game, like always.

Everyone agreed and all eight of you got into a circle, and the game began. Seven turns, and seven stupid dares later, it was finally your turn.

"Stan," you said as you turned to look at him," truth or dare?"

"Truth," he said.

"What?! Come on, truth is so boring!" Richie complained.

Eddie gabbed him with his elbow, telling him to shut up.

"Who do you have a crush on?" you asked him.
Stan'a face instantly went red, and he shock his head not wanting to answer.

"You have to answer, Stanford, it's the rules," Richie said.

"Come on! Just tell me!" you asked him.

"You," he said, the blush on his face only darkening, "I like you."

Richie laughed and shoved Stan. The game continued, but there was tension between you and Stan. Everyone could feel it. But no one acknowledged it. Then seven minutes in heaven was suggested, though you don't exactly remember who did it.

Beverly found a bottle and placed it in the middle of the circle. After a few awkward rounds, it was your turn. You spun the bottle and it landed on Stanley. He blushed once more, and Richie shoved him towards the closet. You followed and walked inside, before Beverly locked you in.

"We don't have to do anything if you don't want to," Stan mumbled locking down.

Before he could say anything else, you leaned forward and kissed him. A few moments later, he kissed you back.

"What is this feeling?" Stan asked you as he pulled you away.

"Love," you answered before you leaned forward and kissed him again.

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