I'll Always Love You - Tate Langdon

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You nodded along blindly, trying your hardest to stay awake. Your best friend Steph was droning on and on about this new book she had read. And yes, you loved her, but sometimes it was hard to pay attention when she was rambling again.

You fought back a yawn, and blinked your eyes a few times. You hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night, since you were cramming for your chem test in 8th period. You would've been able to go to bed if your boyfriend Tate helped you study like he promised, but he bailed on you. Again. So you were left to studying alone.

You felt your eyes begin to close, and you almost fell asleep when a loud bang echoed through the hallways.

"Was that a gunshot?" a cheerleader, who you think is named Chloe, said.

"I-i doubt it," you said, not quite believing your own words.

The sound rang out three more times. And you couldn't find it in you to deny it anymore. Those were definitely gunshots. The moments that came after were all a blur. Panic took over, and your mind checked out. You heard whispers about locking the doors, and hiding. Steph had to pull you out of your chair, and over to a place to hide.

No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't focus. You couldn't think. You couldn't do anything except sit there, clutching onto Steph. Then the door opened. And it all came flooding back. Your mind was racing. So many thoughts passing through. But only one stayed. Tate.

Was he okay? What if something happened to him? What if he was already dead?

You knew there was nothing you could do in here. You had to leave. You had to find him. You had to save him. You tried to get up, but Steph grabbed your arm.

"Y/n, what are you doing? We have to stay here!"

"Steph, I can't! I have to find Tate!"

"There's nothing you can do for him right now. And besides, you're no good to him if you're dead. Just promise me you won't do anything stupid."

You nodded, not wanting to risk making any more noise. Then you heard the sound again. Gunshots. Coming from right next to you. You heard Chloe scream, and then silence. She was gone. And so were the other people in the library with you. Now it was just you and Steph. The shooter was bound to find you soon enough. You and Steph both knew that you had to get out.

"Y/n, the door," she said, gesturing to the exit less than ten feet away from you both. "We have to make a break for it. I'll go first. You follow me once I get out, okay?"

You nodded, feeling your heart begin to beat even faster. Run ten feet. That's all you had to do. Escape was so close, and part of you wanted to have hope. But you knew better. The world was always cruel like that. Offering freedom, but then taking it away in the harshest of ways.

Before you could stop her, Steph got up and ran. You heard two shots ring out, and the sound of a body hitting the floor. You let out a scream, clamping your hands over your mouth, trying to silence it. But it was too late. You could hear footsteps coming towards you. There was no escaping this now. You looked up, ready to meet your inevitable fate.

But then you saw him. Tate. Holding a gun.

"Tate? What are you doing?" you asked, your voice shaking with every word.

"I'm doing what I'm meant to do."

"How could you? How could you kill everyone? How could you kill Steph?!"

"You don't understand now. You will."

"Tate, you're not making any sense. Please, you can stop this. Just put the gun down, and it'll all be over."

He stepped closer to you, and crouched so he could meet your eyes. His hand reached up and he cupped your face, gently stroking your cheek. You recoiled from his touch.

"It's okay y/n. It will all be over soon. And you'll finally understand."

You pushed his arm away from you, starting to crawl away from him.

"Tate please! I thought you loved me!"

He frowned slightly, standing up once more and walking closer.

"Of course I love you y/n. That's why I'm doing this. I'm saving you from a life of misery. You're finally gonna be happy. That's all I've ever wanted for you."

"This won't make me happy Tate. You dropping the gun will make me happy. Just put it down, and I'll be happy, ok Tate?" you rambled on, saying whatever came to your mind, hoping that something would make him stop.

"Oh y/n, there's no other way. This is how it has to be."

He lifted his gun and pointed it at you. You scrambled to get up, and tried to run away. But you were too late. You heard the gun fire once more, hitting you in the back. You felt yourself fall to the ground. Blood began to fill your lungs. You choked on it, struggling to breathe. You felt yourself begin to fade away.

But just before the last bit of life left your body, you heard Tate say, "I'll always love you y/n."

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