Drivers License - Dina

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You hurriedly wipe your tears as you try and focus on the road in front of you. Your shaky hands grip the steering wheel once more as you try and regain your focus on driving.

Memories of Dina flood through your mind. She's all you can think about. Ever since the breakup nothing else has been on your mind. She left you. She left you for him.

Bradley Lewis. The biggest douche bag in the school. The day after you told her you love her, you saw her making out with Brad under the bleachers. Your heart broke in half.

Dina didn't even try to get you to forgive her. She didn't try to get you back. She didn't want you. She wanted Brad now. You were alone. Dina was all you had, and now she was gone.

Your eyes start to blur again as your drive past Dina's street. She was probably with Brad again. They were together all the time. Way more than you and Dina were. It's clear she likes him better. You should just move on.

But you can't. Dina was your world. You loved her. You still do. You always will. Dina owns your heart, even though she broke it. No matter how hard you try, you just can't stop loving her.

You start sobbing now. Any chance of seeing the road in front of you is gone. You don't notice the stop sign. You don't stop. A car crashes into the driver's side. Killing you.

You're gone. A spirit aimlessly wandering the earth. You would think that being dead would get rid of your heartbreak, but it doesn't. It just made it worse. Any chance of getting Dina back was gone. And that's the way it would always be.

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