Migraine - Eddie Munson and Platonic!Robin Buckley

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"Ow! Shit!" you said, bringing your hand up to your head at the sudden pain.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Robin asked, pausing the movie the two of you were watching, as she turned to look at you.

"Yeah, no everything's fine. I just think I've got a migraine coming on."

You gently rubbed the growing ache behind your eyebrow, feeling the pain begin to spread. You grumbled softly to yourself, knowing that it was going to be a bad one, since you had fallen asleep last night before taking your clonidine. You hadn't thought much of it, but now you were beginning to regret not forcing yourself out of bed to take it.

"Is there anything I can do?" she asked you, growing concern present in her voice.

Robin knew how bad your migraines could get, but she had never actually been around you while one was happening. She had no clue how to help you, or if she even could. And she also didn't know just how bad they could get.

"Not currently, thanks though." You smiled softly at her, immediately wincing at the pain the action brought.

The two of you sat in silence for a moment. Robin had enough common sense to know that loud noises and bright lights made it worse, so she was careful not to make too much noise around you. She reached for the remote, and switched the television off, before standing up and quietly closing all of the windows in your bedroom. She walked back over towards your bed, and sat down on it beside you.

You tried to lay down in an effort to ease your pain, but the change in position brought upon a sudden wave of nausea, along with the feeling of panic. You jolted back up, trying to make the nausea go away, but your sudden movements only made the feeling worse, along with aggravating the pounding inside your head.

Seeing the panic on your face, Robin whispered, "What happened?"

You tried to speak, but the thought of opening your mouth only made you more afraid. For as long as you could remember, you had been deathly afraid of vomiting. Sure, you've done it before, it was inevitable. But you tried to ward it off as best as you could. Unfortunately, the panic that always came along with the nausea just seemed to make it worse. It was a never ending cycle.

You couldn't think, the pounding behind your eyebrow echoing loudly throughout your head. You couldn't speak, the nausea churning deep inside of you. You couldn't even breathe, the building anxiety attack causing your lungs to constrict.

It was all getting too much. And you couldn't even talk to Robin to get help to stop it. You knew what you needed, but you were far too ill to go and get it yourself, and you couldn't communicate what you needed to Robin.

Robin watched the scene unfolding in front of her, feeling her own anxiety begin to stir just from how scared you looked. She saw your throat move, as if you were trying to speak, put you bit down hard on your lips to keep your mouth shut. She had no idea what to do, and seeing you, her best friend, in agony was breaking her heart.

Gently she reached over and tapped your hand lightly to get your attention. Your head slowly turned to face her, panic and pain written on your face.

"I'm gonna call Eddie, alright? I don't know how to help you, but he's done this with you before, right?"

You turned the hand that she tapped into a thumbs up, not wanting to nod and make the pain in your head worse.

"Great, alright, I'll be right back."

Robin quietly walked out of your room and shut the door, before bolting down the stairs to the phone in your living room. She dialed Eddie's number, hoping that she had remembered it correctly. The phone rang for a few moments, and Robin anxiously tapped her foot, praying to a god she didn't believe in that he would answer.

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