The Evans See You Masturbating*

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Tate Langdon

- "Ohhhh fuck, Tate!"

- he immediately went to your room after hearing you call his name

- his eyes went wide when he saw what you were doing

- Tate's had a crush on you since you moved in, but he didn't think you liked him back

- any doubts he had were washed away by sight before him

- he walked over and placed his hand on your leg

- you looked up at him, startled

- "Want me to help with that?"

Kit Walker

- Kit heard a noise coming from your room and walked in to find you touching yourself

- while moaning his name

- "You need some help with that suga?"

- Kit smirked as he walked over to you

- you nodded eagerly as he neared you

- as soon as his fingers met your core, you were a moaning mess

- he didn't stop for a while

Post-Death Kyle Spencer

- Kyle would be confused

- he wouldn't understand what you were doing

- when he walked over to you, you would blush under his gaze

- "What... doing?"

- "It's called mastubating Ky. It makes you feel good."

- "Can I try?"

- before you answered his hand would be heading towards your core

- let's just say he really knows what he's doing

Jimmy Darling

- Jimmy would be hurt

- he's always been insecure about your relationship

- he'd feel that he wasn't enough for you

- as soon as you realized Jimmy was watching you, your face would heat up

- "Jimmy please. I need you."

- he'd be a cocky little shit after hearing you say that

- you may or may not have gotten some noise complaints from Desiree

James March

- James wouldn't be happy when he saw what you were doing

- he made you promise that whenever you were horny, you'd come to him

- but then he heard you moan his name

- his anger faded as he walked over to you

- "Darling, I thought I said that you come to me when you need pleasure."

- "I- I'm sorry James, I just couldn't find you."

- "Well I'm here now, aren't I?"

Kai Anderson

- Kai would be angry

- like really angry

- "I thought I told you not to touch yourself."

- you would be panicking because you broke a rule

- "I guess I have to teach you a lesson."

- let's just say you couldn't walk or sit normally for a while

- like at least a week

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