Ouija Board - Tate Langdon

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"Come on y/n, don't chicken out on us now!" Liz said, dragging you towards the house.

"It'll be fun! I promise," Dylan said, grabbing a large rock to break the doorknob.

You were stood in front of the infamous Murder House. And stupidly, you let your friends talk you into coming here and using a ouija board. You never really believed in ghosts or anything like that, but you were still scared nonetheless.

"There are easier ways to get in you know," Liz said, rolling her eyes as Dylan smashed the rock against the doorknob, knocking it to the floor.

"Yeah but this is more fun."

"Should we really be doing this? We could get in trouble for breaking in. I don't think I could survive jail."

"Oh my god y/n, we'll be fine. And Dylan knows what he's doing. Besides, don't you wanna talk to ghosts?"

"Nope, not really."

"Ugh, you're no fun."

"Ok, I got the door open!"

The two of you looked towards the door where Dylan was. The door was now open, and he had already walked inside. You felt your stomach drop, wanting nothing more than to get out of there. But Liz had other plans. She grabbed your arm and began to drag you inside.

With a sigh, you gave up on fighting and figured you might as well try to have fun. When you vented the house, an overwhelming smell of mold filled your senses. It was disgusting. There was sheets over the furniture, and leftover belongings scattered everywhere.

"That's weird, there isn't any dust here," Dylan said as he swiped his finger along the mantle.

"Maybe there's a maid ghost who has to spend eternity cleaning. That sounds like an awful afterlife," Liz replied, laughing softly.

"Can we just get this over with already? I'm getting bad vibes from this place," you said, feeling as if someone's eyes were trained on you.

"That's kinda the point. This is supposedly the most haunted building in the world. So many people have been brutally murdered. I would give anything to live here."

"Dylan, you are really fucked up," Liz said while laughing.

You rolled your eyes at your best friends, and followed them deeper into the house, until you arrived in front of a door.

"Here it is, the basement. I've read online, that most of the ghosts like to stay down there."

"Let's go!" Liz squealed, pushing the door open and speeding down the stairs.

Dylan followed her, leaving you alone at the top of the stairs. You sighed and started to walk down the steps. The. you heard a noise from behind you. You quickly turned around to see that the door was shut.

You brushed it off, thinking you must've bumped it, and continued down the stairs to find Dylan and Liz setting the ouija board up. You sat down beside them and tried to calm yourself, knowing it would all be over soon.

"Ok, place your fingers on the cup, and then we can talk to the ghosts."

You and Liz did what Dylan said, placing your fingers on top of the glass placed in the middle of the bored.

"Is there anyone there?" Dylan asked.

Nothing happened for a second, but then the cup started to move. It dragged itself over to the 'yes' and then stopped.

"Oh my god," you murmured, starting to feel fear come over you.

"What's your name?" Liz asked the ghost.
The cup moved again, and began to spell out a name.

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