Not Alone Anymore - Madi Griffin

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"I can't live like this anymore!" you screamed out.

You've been alone for who knows how long. The world around you was destroyed by another praimfaya, and everyone you've ever loved died. You've barely survived, scrounging for food in the one valley that survived.

You leaned against a tree and sighed out, but then you heard something. Rustling in the grasses surrounding you. You stood up and saw a girl running away. You immediately chased after her.

"Wait! Come back, please! Don't go! I can't be alone right now!" you called after her.

Slowly she came to a stop and turned around walking towards you.

"Who are you?"

"My name's y/n. What's yours?"

"Madi. How come I've never seen you before?"

"I don't know. I've been here since praimfaya."

"Is anyone with you?"

"Nope, it's just me."

"You've been alone for five years?!"

Your eyes widened at her words.

"It's been that long?" you asked her.

"Come with me, Clarke, she'll take care of you. You don't have to be alone anymore."

Madi led you to a little campsite, one you hadn't ever seen before. Another person walked out, she was way older than Madi was. As soon as she saw you, she glared at you.

"Madi, who is this?" she asked.

"This is y/n. I found her and said that she could stay with us."

"You what?!"

Madi's face fell as Clarke yelled at her.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Of course I'm mad at you! You can't just bring random people you find to come and live with us!"

"Clarke, come on! She's been alone for five years! You can't seriousl turn her away."

"Yes I can! What else do you want me to say? That some random girl you find can stay with us? Madi, you know nothing about her. She could kill us!"

"You didn't know anything about me when you took me in!"

"Yeah, but that's different!"

"How is that different Clarke?! Y/n doesn't have a home. We could be that for her! Come on please!"

Clarke went silent and stared at you for moment.

"If it helps, I promise I won't kill you," you said hoping to convince Clarke.

You had a feeling you and Madi could be great friends, maybe even something more. You just had to convince Clarke.

"Fine. You can stay with us."

"Yes! Thank you Clarke!" Madi said as she ran forward and hugged her.

Then Madi went back to you and grabbed your hand.

"Come on, let me show you around."

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