Telekenesis - Madison Montgomery

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You stared at the spell book in front of you, going over the steps in your mind. The words went into your mind, only to leave a moment later. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't focus. And you couldn't exactly do the spell either.

You let out a sigh before focusing on the pen in front of you. The words of the spell left your lips, and you focused all your energy towards the pen. But nothing happened. Just like all your other attempts, it stayed in it's spot. If you couldn't figure out how to get it to move, you were going to fail your test tomorrow.

"You need some help with that?"

You looked up and saw Madison standing in your doorframe. She was offering to help you? Why? She hated everyone in this house. And since when did she ever offer to help anyone? But you were desperate.

"Yeah. I just can't get it to move," you said with a sigh.

She walked over to you, sitting down next to you on your bed. All she had to do was look at the pen, and it came straight to her hand.

"How?! I've been trying all week, and it won't work!"

"Show me how you're doing it, and I'll see what I can do," she said with a small smile on her face.

You nodded and looked back down at your spell book. You read the spell once more and then tried to bring the pen from Madison's hand to yours. But as always, it didn't work.

"See, I'm hopeless."

"No, you're not hopeless. We'll figure it out together, all right?"

You nodded, though you didn't entirely believe her.

"So what I do is say that spell in my head while focusing on moving the pen. Why don't you try that?"

"But that's not what the book sa-"

"Who cares what that book says? It was written by a bunch of old, wrinkly, dead people. What do they know? Come on, just try it."

You sighed. What do you have to lose at this point? You looked at the pen, and recited the words to the spell, while focusing on bringing it to you. To your surprise, the pen moved. It started to come towards you, before falling to the floor.

"I did it! I got it to move!" you said excitedly.

"See, I told you it would work! Now try and bring it to your hand."

You recited the spell once more, focusing all your energy and power towards it. Then it happened. In an instant, the pen flew up and landed in your hand.

You squealed, and hugged Madison.

"Oh my god, I did it! Thank you!"

She smiled and gently hugged you back. When you pulled away, she had a small smirk on her face.

"So, what's in it for me?"

Your face fell. "Huh?"

"You know, payment? I don't help for free."

There is was. You knew it was too good to be true. Why would she help you? Certainly not just to be nice.

"Oh I don't have any-"

"Actually, I have something in mind."

Before you had time to respond, her lips were on yours. You kissed her back, feeling your insides turn into butterflies. The feeling of her lips on yours made your heart race. After a while, you both pulled away to catch your breath.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that," she said as she smirked at you.

Your face lit up in a blush at the words she spoke. Madison then got up and walked to your door. She was about to leave, when she turned to look at you once more.

"Let me know if there's any other spells you need help with."

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