I'm Still Here - Tate Langdon

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"How could he have been so stupid?!" you yelled at your tv, watching the news reports of your boyfriend's death.

Tate had decided to shoot up your highschool. Thankfully you overslept, and decided to skip school that day. But part of you wishes you were there, so you could've seen him one last time.

You started sobbing as it finally hit you, Tate was gone. You'd never be able to see him again. He was the only person who loved you unconditionally, and now he's gone. You were going to be alone again. Forever.

You wiped the tears that fell from your eyes, as you slowly stood up from the couch and walked upstairs to your room. You shed your pajamas, and dug through your closet to find Tate's green and black striped sweater. You pulled it on over your head, breathing in the scent of his cologne. You grabbed a pair of ripped black jeans and put them on, along with your black converse.

You brushed through your matted hair as you stared solemly in the mirror. Once you were finally satisfied with how you look, you headed downstairs and out the front door, walking to Tate's house.

You walked around back, slipping in through the basement door. You quickly headed to his room. The door was blocked by caution tape, so you pushed the door open and crawled under the tape. You stood up and shut the door behind you.

Then you saw the blood on the wall. Tate's blood. You fell to the ground sobbing. He was gone. Tate was gone.

"Hey princess, why're you crying?"

You looked up and saw Tate standing in front of you.

"Tate?! What?! How?! You're dead! I saw it on the news. Your blood is on the wall!" you said whilst slightly hyperventilating.

"Calm down princess. I'm still here. I'm dead, but I'm still here."

"How? What's going on?" you said as you wrapped your arms tightly around your boyfriend.

He gently placed his arms around you as you sobbed into his chest. "There's something about this house. If you die here, your soul gets trapped here forever."

"So you can't leave?"

"Nope, but we can still see each other here," he said smiling lightly, as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

"That's not good enough!" you screamed as you pulled away and began looking around his room.

"What are you doing?" Tate asked as he pulled you towards him once more.

"Trying to find a gun. You have to have one around her somewhere."

Tate froze. He pushed you away slightly so you could meet his eyes.

"Y/n, listen to me. Don't do this. You have so much to live for. Don't end your life because of me. You can still visit me if you'd like, but if you kill yourself you'll be trapped here. You'll be miserable. Please, go live your life. I'll still be here when you want to come see me. I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

"No. Y/n if you really love me, you would leave me. I need you to be happy. Promise me you'll be happy."

"I- I promise," you said as you began to cry again.

You hugged Tate tightly one last time. Even thought you didn't want to, you knew he was right.

"Goodbye Tate," you said as you slowly pulled away and walked out of the room.

And from behind the door you heard Tate say something. But it was too muffled. If only you stayed a second longer you would've realized that what he said was, "I love you."

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