The Evans Help You Through A Panic Attack

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Tate Langdon

- he would understand what you're going through because he's had a lot of panic attacks

- he would hold you close to him and help you calm down

- presses light kisses to the back of your neck to comfort you

- wouldn't let you hurt yourself

- he would even restrain your arms to keep you from scratching at your arms

- when you finally got through it, he would let you fall asleep on his chest while he has his arms wrapped around you

- he would listen if you wanted to talk about why you had a panic attack, but he would never force you to talk about it

- he wouldn't leave you for a bit, just so you knew that he would always be there for you

Kit Walker

- he heard you sobbing and ran into your room to find you curled up in a ball sobbing on the bed

- you've told him about your panic attacks but he's never seen one before

- he didn't really know what to do

- sat next to you and hugged you tightly to try and ground you

- he would gently kiss your face

- didn't know how to stop them, so he just let you know that he was there

- when you finally did calm down, he would be so relieved

- "You alright suga?"

- "I am now," you mumbled softly

- you would be exhausted so Kit would lay down with you and lazily stroke your hair as you drift off

Post-death Kyle Spencer

- wouldn't really understand what was going on

- but he knew that crying was bad and he would try to make you happy again

- he'd hug you really tightly and kiss all over your face

- if that didn't work, he just wouldn't leave your side until you were happy again

- when you finally calmed down you would try to explain what a panic attack was to Kyle

- "Sometimes my anxiety builds up, and then it just comes pouring out. It's called a panic attack."

- "Pan..ic a..ttack bad?"

- "Yes Kyle, panic attacks are bad."

- Kyle would be upset and would cling to you
for the rest of the day to make sure you're ok

Jimmy Darling

- Jimmy absolutely hated seeing you cry

- it broke his heart seeing you upset

- every time you were upset, he would feel guilty and think he did something wrong

- so when he saw you having a panic attack, he rushed over to your side and pulled you into a hug

- "What's wrong doll? Did I do something wrong?"

- you would try to tell him no, but you couldn't get words out through your tears

- he would gently rub his hand up and down your back and let you sob into his neck

- as you finally began to calm down you pulled away to look at him and saw he'd been crying too

- "What'd I do?" he'd ask softly

- "No! No Jimmy you didn't do anything wrong, I promise. It was just a panic attack."

- he'd let out a sigh of relief and hug you once more

James March

- his first reaction would be anger

- someone made you cry and he was going to find and kill them

- but once he realized that you were having a panic attack he softened and sat down next to you

- "Darling are you alright?"

- you would try to answer, but you wouldn't be able to

- he would have no clue what to do

- he would be very worried about you, but he wouldn't know how to help you

- so he just sat there and waited, hoping that you would calm down

- when you finally did, he would be so relieved, immediately hugging you tightly

- you would be a little surprised since he didn't show affection that often

- he would be very overprotective for the next few days, just to make sure you were alright

Kai Anderson

- he would fuck you to try and get you to calm down

- which was horrible for your mental health
because now you related panic attacks to pleasure, which really fucked up your mind

- Kai didn't care what it did to you, he just wanted you to calm down

- he saw panic attacks as weakness

- would force you to talk about why you had a panic attack

- he would then force you to face what happened, to try and get you to stop having panic attacks

- sometimes it worked, but usually it just started another panic attack

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