You're Mine Now* - Kai Anderson

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You felt the bag being lifted off your head as you slowly came back to consciousness. You felt dizzy, and your head was throbbing as you slowly looked at your surroundings. Nothing was familiar. You had no idea where you were.

"Hello little lamb," you heard a voice in front of you say.

He was tall and pale, with deep brown eyes, and slightly long blue hair. You could've found him attractive, given different circumstances. But since he kidnapped you, there was no chance of that happening.

You tried to ask him where you were, but your words were muffled by a piece of tape on your mouth. Your eyes went wide as you tried to escape. You wanted out.

"There's no use trying to escape. You're not going to get out. I'm recruiting you to join me. Become a loyal follower and do my bidding, and in return I will not harm you," he said as he walked closer to you.

You tried to back away, failing, due to the chair. His hand neared your face, and you tensed up, not knowing what to except. Then you felt the tape being roughly removed from your mouth, ripping at the flesh.

"What the fuck? Where am I? Let me go?"

He sighed and walked in front of you, crouching to meet your eyes.

"Where you not paying attention? You're not getting out of here. You're mine now. Ok?"

"No!" you shouted, "I'm not yours! You can't own me! And you're fucking delusional if you think I'd ever follow you!"

His eyes grew darker. You could see the anger coursing through them. A few veins protruded from his neck as he clenched his jaw. His hand roughly met the side of your face. You gasped at the sting, a tear rolling down your face.

"You should watch your words around me little lamb," he said, the tone of his words sharp enough to cut flesh.

Meekly you nodded, now feeling extremely terrified. However, your sudden submission did nothing to ease the anger coursing through him.

"I'll be back later. Hopefully you'll start to realize your place."

He stood up and left the basement, shutting the lights off. The pitch blackness only being disturbed by the few moon beams poking through the small windows at the top of the walls.

A few silent tears rolled down your face. You pulled your hands against the bounds, tugging hard. After a few minutes you were about to give up, when you felt the ropes give way. You pulled your arms out, the ropes falling to the floor. You quickly untied your legs, standing up and heading towards the stairs, making sure it was quiet.

Once you were sure you didn't hear anything, you slowly pushed the door open. The coast was clear. No one was there! You smiled to yourself, scurrying to the front door. Your hand went to reach for the doorknob when you heard someone clearing their throat.

You froze and slowly turned around, seeing the man from before standing in front of you.

"And where do you think you're going, little lamb?"

He didn't give you a chance to answer, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. You screamed and thrashing, trying to get out of his grip. But your attempts were futile, the man being much stronger than you.

He carried you back to the basement, throwing you onto the couch. He climbed on top of you, pinning you below him. You fearfully looked up at him, tears streaming down your face. But he smiled at your fear. Then you felt something poking you leg. You blood froze when you realized he was hard. He liking seeing you like this. He was fucking insane.

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