The Evan's See You Having A Wet Dream About Them

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Tate Langdon

- Tate was walking past your room when he heard a noise coming from inside your room

- curiously, he poked his head through the door

- there you were on your bed, squirming and sweating in your sleep, his name falling from your lips in between moans

- a smirk crept its way onto Tate's face as he walked over to you

- he sat down next to you, slowly inching his hand towards your aching core

- as he began to run circles on your clit, you woke up

- "If you wanted me this badly, you could've just asked."

Kit Walker

- Kit was startled awake by you calling out his name

- he turned over to see that you were still asleep

- he brushed it off, going to go back to sleep, when he heard his name again

- he looked at you once more and realized what was happening

- he smirked as he watched your legs rub together as his name fell from your lips

- he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips, waking you up

- "You need some help with that doll?"

Pre-Death Kyle Spencer

- it was the night after one of Kyle's frat parties
you fell asleep in his room, completely wasted

- Kyle was lying on the floor, not wanting to make you uncomfortable by sleeping next to you

- he heard you say his name and immediately stood up to check on you

- "Ohhh Kyle, fuck!" he heard you mumble

- a cocky grin took over his face as he realized you reciprocated his feelings

- he laid down next to you and pulled you into his chest

- sure he'd want to help you, but you were still wasted and he didn't want to pressure you

- Kyle settled on cuddling you, and waiting to see if anything would happen in the morning

Jimmy Darling

- Jimmy was walking back to your shared caravan after another show

- he walked inside and headed over to the bed, seeing you fast asleep on it

- then he heard you moan his name

- Jimmy smirked as he sat down next to you, edging his fingers in between your legs

- he dragged his fingers up and down your slit, watching as you twitched in pleasure

- he thumb started tracing circles into your clit as your moans got louder, waking you up

- "Tell me about your dream darling."

James March

- earlier in the day, you saw James kill someone, and every time you see him covered in blood, you can't help but get a little turned on

- that night when you went to sleep, you dreamt that he was fucking you, still covered in the blood of his latest victim

- James walked into your shared hotel room, finding you asleep on the bed

- his name fell from your lips, along with a few other erotic noises

- he smirked as he watched you squirm in your sleep

- your hand instinctively went down to your core to release some pressure

- James growled and walked over to you, grabbing your hand and waking you up

- "Now what did I tell you about touching yourself darling? I think you need to be taught a lesson."

Kai Anderson

- you were Winter's best friend, and you were spending the night

- after seeing her brother, he was on your mind all day

- and all night

- Kai heard his name and walked into the basement, seeing you on the couch

- you kept saying his name, moaning and cursing in between

- your body squirmed as your legs rubbed together

- Kai smirked as he walked over to you, his hand immediately going to your dripping core
you woke up from the contact and looked up at him

- "Let me help you, little lamb."

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