New Student - Willa Lykensen

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Your hands clenched tightly against the straps of your backpack as you looked up at the building in front of you. Seabrook High. It was yet another first day of school for you. After having spent the majority of your life moving from city to city, your parents decided they wanted to move back to their hometown. And while you were excited at first due to the chance of finally having a somewhat normal highschool experience, Seabrook wasn't anything like you thought it would be.

Before even walking into the building, you looked around in shock at everyone walking beside you. And just when you thought you were finally going to have a normal high school experience. But no, you just had to go to a school that had monsters attending.

Now you were never one to judge. You knew how it felt to be hated for reasons you couldn't control. But just the thought of having to spend the rest of the year sharing classrooms with zombies, werewolves, and aliens made you a bit uneasy.

Your parents assured you they were all very nice and that you had nothing to be afraid of. And while you believed that none of the other students would ever actually harm you, you still couldn't shake your anxiety.

But nonetheless, you had to walk inside. It wasn't like you could just turn around and hide in your room for the rest of the year. People would notice. And it was your senior year, so not graduating didn't seem like a very pleasant idea.

Taking a deep breath, you started walking into the building. The perfect white walls accented with pink and green filled your view as you took in your new surroundings. A group of cheerleaders walked by, looking as peppy as ever. You could easily tell apart the cliques based on the outfits alone. And looking down at yourself, you realized you didn't really fit into any of them.

The humans wore pink and blue, looking perfectly well put together. Cheerleaders were all wearing their bright pink and green uniforms. The zombies wore clothes that looked like they were handmade, patches of fabric and uneven stitching catching your eye. The aliens stood out too, all shiny and futuristic looking. And even the werewolves had their own look, purple and brown, with faux fur accenting their looks.

Meanwhile you wore an old band tee and ripped jeans. You stuck out like a sore thumb. A few people looked at you weirdly. None of the stares were mean, rather just curious or confused. You didn't have a clique, or a group of people like you. No one even looked remotely similar. You felt your anxiety beginning to build up again. Maybe you really weren't going to find any friends. Maybe there was no common ground between you and anyone else in this town.

You carefully squeezed your way through the crowd of teenagers, occasionally glancing down at the paper in your hand that held both your schedule and your locker number. After wandering through the halls aimlessly, you found the locker that would be yours for the rest of the year. You walked up towards it, and entered the combination on your paper, but the lock wouldn't budge. You tried again and again, but it still wouldn't open.

You let out a frustrated huff, punching the locker as you did so.

"Need some help with that?"

You turned around to find a girl, with bright blue hair standing behind you. Her hair was a stark contrast to the green and pink dress she wore. She held both her pom poms in one hand, the other was pointing towards the locked behind you.

"Uhm yeah. I've been trying the combination but it just won't open."

"Mind hold these?" She extended her pom poms out towards you, her smile never fading

You nodded and grabbed them, moving aside so she could try her luck at opening your locker. Somehow she managed to bust it open on the second try.

"One of the numbers in your combo was wrong. It was a 10, not a 1." She smiled yet again, grabbing her pom poms back from your hands.

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