Flower Pt. 3 - Peter Maximoff

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"Y/n, where are you off to this time?" Jubilee asked as you hurriedly went to leave class.

You were too far away to answer so Jean answered for you.

"Where do you think? She's going to see Peter again. Ever since they've started dating they can barely be apart from each other. It's weird."

"Oh, so like you and Scott?" Jubilee said teasingly.

"What? No that's, that's different," Jean said as her face lit up in a deep blush.


You knocked on Peter's door, and waited for him to open it. You've never actually been in his dorm before, you've only hung out in your room, or the library. But Peter said that you should study in his room tonight. So here you were, standing outside his door, waiting for him to open it.

"Hey y/n," Peter said as his face lit up in a bright smile.

You walked up to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek before walking inside his room. You plopped down on his bed, and immediately Peter was beside you.

"Do we have to study? It's so boring," Peter said as he let out an exasperated sigh.

"It was your idea to study though?" you said laughing through your confusion.

He sat up and grabbed your arms, pulling you with him.

"I have an idea. Let's make like superhero names for eachother. I mean everyone else has them."

You smiled sand nodded at your boyfriends idea. You stared at him and tried to come up with a name for him.

"I got it! How about Quicksilver?" you said as you lightly ran your fingers through his hair.

"Wow how clever," he mockingly said, "I kinda like it though."

He stared at you for a moment, and you began to blush under his deep gaze.

"How about Elemental?"

"Ooooooh, I like it," you said smiling.

Peter's face wore a proud smirk, happy that you liked the name he gave you.

Then you saw something out of the corner of your eye. You turned and saw a pile of dead roses on Peter's desk. You felt you heart soar. He kept every flower that you gave him.

You stood up and walked over to them, gently running your fingers over the rotting petals.

"You kept them all?" you said as you smiled brightly.

"Well yeah. You gave them to me, why wouldn't I? I mean they're dead now but-," he stopped talking when he realized what you were doing.

You hovered your hand over the flowers and they started coming back to life. Then you covered each of them in a thin layer of frost, preserving them forever.

"There. Now they won't die on you ever again."

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