Dating Robin Buckley Would Include

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- she would be super overprotective of you

- especially if your family was homophobic

- if you weren't comfortable being out, Robin would gladly date you in secret

- she just wants to make you happy

- she would constantly give you free ice cream

- she almost got fired when her boss found out
luckily Steve covered for her and managed to make their boss give her another chance

- she didn't stop giving you ice cream

- if you were comfortable being out, the two of you would go to pride parades together all month long during June

- and she would go all out, covering you both in rainbow

- it was one of your favorite dates

- you loved dragging her around the mall to go shopping together

- you would pick out outfits for her to try on and she would do the same for you

- you went into a changing room together to show each other the clothes

- you got kicked out because you started making out in the changing room

- after the mall burned down, you came to the movie rental place she worked at all the time

- she always hid your favorite movies so no one else would rent them

-her boss found out and she got in trouble

- so she just stole them so you could watch them together

-almost got fired

- Steve had to cover for her again

- Steve thinks that you guys are the cutest couple

- he always lectures you to make sure you never hurt Robin

- lectures Robin to make sure she never hurts you

- he's super overprotective of the both of you

- if anyone made a homophobic comment about you guys, Steve would immediately attack them

- he would get horribly beat up, but its the thought that counts

- Dustin would lecture Steve about fighting with words instead because he can't win a physical fight

- Steve would argue back and say that he could

- Robin would then remind him that it happened one time

- Robin teaches you how to play D&D

- the two of you play with the party all the time

- they all really like you

- even Mike started to like you eventually

- but he was usually pouting about how El was in Maine

- couples costumes every halloween

- but they're always super cheesy ones

- last year you guys were ketchup and mustard

- Steve wanted to join and dressed up as Mayo

- you two tried to avoid him that night

- he found you anyways

- cute romantic surprise dates all the time

- Robin loves seeing how happy you get when she surprises you

- you guys are the cutest couple in Hawkins

- you guys even got voted as prom queens

- Robin absolutely adores you and would never let anything happen to you

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