You Belong To Me* - Kai Anderson

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"Alright, meetings over. You guys can leave for the night," Kai said as he leaned back on the couch he was sitting on.

Everyone got up to leave, when's Kai's stern voice broke the silence in the air.

"Y/n, stay for a bit."

Something about the way he said that sent shivers down your spine. You walked back over to him and he motioned for you to sit next to him.

"Who was that?" he asked, staring darkly at you.

"What?" you asked as you looked at him with confusion.

"Who was the guy who dropped you off? I saw you get out of a car and there was a guy driving it," he said slightly louder this time.

"He's just a friend. My car broke down and he offered to drive me here."

"Why didn't you just call me?"

"Well I was with him and he offered to drive me. Besides I didn't want to bother you."

"I don't want you to see him anymore," he said, the darkness in his eyes changing into lust.

"What? Why?" you asked him, your confusion only growing.

"Are you questioning me?" he yelled at you.

You jumped at the sudden loud noise, tears threatening to spill past your eyes. Kai smirked at your current state, arousal filling him.

"You aren't to see him anymore. Is that clear? You are mine. You belong to me."

His voice quieted, but the anger inside it was still clearly detectable.

You shook slightly as you nodded, not meeting his gaze.

"Do I make you nervous?" Kai asked, as a smirk grew on his face.

You nodded once more, still to frightened to look at him.

The next thing you knew, you were pushed down on the couch. Kai was hovering over you with his hand on your neck.

"When I ask you a question I except a fucking answer!" Kai snarled in your ear as the pressure on your throat increased.

"Y-yes," you stuttered out as you struggled to bring air into your lungs.

"Yes what?"

You stayed silent, confused as to what he wanted.

"Yes what?!" he yelled at you, pressing down harder on your throat.

"Yes daddy?" you mumbled out as more of a question.

He removed his hand from your throat as you gratefully sucked air back into your lungs.

"Good girl," he said as he smirked at you once more.

Kai sat up, and you went to do the same, but you were immediately pushed back down.

"Did I say you could get up?" he asked, anger laced in the back of his voice.

"No daddy," you mumbled out, fear filling you once more.

Kai pulled you up and flipped you over, placing you across his lap.

"I think someone needs to be taught a lesson. Someone needs to learn how to follow instructions. Don't you agree?" he said, as he rubbed his hand over your ass.

You felt arousal start to pool deep within you at his words. And even though you were frightened, you couldn't help but get a little excited at what was to come.

"Yes daddy," you answered, trying not to anger him.

Kai placed his hands on your waist and slipped his fingers under the waistband of your leggings, pulling them off quickly.

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