Picture Perfect - Kurt Wagner

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soulmate au - picture of your soulmate appears on your wrist when you turn 13


"It's almost midnight!" you cheered excitedly as you made eye contact with your best friend, Liz.

"What do you think they're gonna look like? This is so exciting! I can't believe I have to wait six more months to see my soulmate," Liz said, rambling on as per usual.

You kept your eyes locked to the numbers on your clock, waiting for it to saw 12:00. Seconds passed, and the numbers changed. Finally, it was your 13th birthday! The day a picture of your soulmate appears on your arm. You felt your wrist start to tingle, and you quickly pulled down your sleeve to see a picture of your soulmate form on your arm.

You smiled as you took in his image. His blue skin, his yellow eyes, his adorable elf ears. You couldn't help but fall for him immediately.


"Beautiful." "Hideous."

"What?!" you said as you turned to Liz in shock.

"You poor thing, stuck with that as your soulmate. He's a mutant. And an ugly one at that. Who knows, maybe you'll be lucky and he'll die before you meet."

"What the fuck is wrong with you? First of all, he's beautiful. Second of all, what's wrong with being a mutant?! And why would you want him to die?! Do you even realize how awful what you said is?"

"Why are you defending him? He's a mutant!"

"Get out!" you shouted, avoiding eye contact with her.

"What?" she asked you, shock overtaking her voice.

"You heard me. Get out! You can't talk about my soulmate like that!"

Liz's face fell devoid of all emotion. She quickly gathered her things and walked to your door. She turned around to see if you would stop her, but you wouldn't even look her way. With a sigh, Liz left. The two of you never spoke again.


Kurt looked down at the image on his wrist. He smiled at the girl. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. And she was his soulmate! A smile overtook his face, but quickly faded away when he came back to reality.

There's no way she would love him. A mutant. No one would love him. Certainly not someone as beautiful as you. He sighed pulled his sleeve over your picture. Maybe if he just ignored it, and didn't acknowledge you, he wouldn't have to face the inevitable heartbreak.

five years later

You sat on your couch, watching the news, when a story about the X-Men started to play. They just defeated an evil mutant in Egypt. You would give anything to meet them, they were incredible.

But then you saw something. More specifically someone. Your soulmate. He was one of the X-Men. Your smile went wide as you watched him on your screen. You looked closer, trying to find out where he was. Charles Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters.

You smile grew even bigger, if that was possible. That school was only a twenty minute drive from your house. Your soulmate was only twenty minutes away. You could finally meet the boy you've been in love with since you were 13.

You ran to your bedroom, quickly showering and getting ready. You wanted to look your best if you were going to meet your soulmate. You pulled on some dark skinny jeans, a Star Wars tee, and your gray vans. You put on some makeup, and brushed through your hair.

You stood in front of your mirror and smiled at your reflection. You looked beautiful. Now, you just had to get there.


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