I'm Not Going Anywhere - Brooke Thompson

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As soon as you opened your front door, shock filled your body. Brooke, your girlfriend who was supposed to have been executed, was standing right in front of you.

You felt tears come to your eyes as you ran forward and wrapped your arms around her tightly, making sure she couldn't slip away again.

She hugged you back, letting a few tears of her own slip past her eyes. The two of you stayed like that for away, savoring each other's embrace. It's been so long since you've hugged her, and you never wanted to let go. But much to your dismay Brooke pulled away.

Then it all started to hit you at once. She was supposed to be dead. You saw it in the papers and heard it on the radio. She's dead. But if Brooke's dead then how is she standing right in front of you?

"How are you here? I- I thought you," you couldn't say anymore words, breaking into a full on sob.

Brooke hugged you once more and turned her head to whisper into your ear.

"It's okay baby, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere ever again. I promise."

"But- but how?" you choked out through your sobs.

"A friend helped me out. She made it look like I died, and then helped me escape."

"I missed you so much. I thought you were gone. I thought I'd never see you again."

She pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, still not letting go of your embrace.

"You don't have to worry about that anymore. Now that I'm back, I'm never gonna leave your side."

"Promise?" you mumbled softly, finally calming down.

"Promise," she replied happily, overjoyed to once again be with the girl she loves.

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