The Evans With A Photographer Boyfriend

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Tate Langdon

- he'd always show you the best places in the house to take photos

- "Babe, the sunset looks great over here!"

- he loves to look at the photos you've taken and he shows them off to the other ghosts

- but he'd also try to mess up your photos
startling you when you try to take a picture
running in front of you to create a blurry mark across the photo

- "Tate, you ruined it!"

- "Nah, I think I made it better."

Kit Walker

- Kit would constantly be saving up to buy you new cameras

- your face would always light up when you got a new camera

- "Kit you didn't have to do this!"

- "It's no problem suga, I just wanna
make you happy."

- He'd always look at your photographs, praising how good you are at your passion

- for his birthday, you had a photoshoot with Julia and Thomas

- he would be so happy when he saw the pictures of his kids that you took

Franken Kyle

- he wouldn't understand what you were doing

- he'd watch as you point your camera and took pictures, staring at you in confusion

- one time you left him alone with your camera
he picked it up and looked at it, accidentally taking multiple pictures of himself

- you looked through your photos and saw multiple pictures of Kyle looking confused

- you'd start laughing

- he'd start laughing as well, not really knowing what was happening

Jimmy Darling

- "Jimmy, can I take some photos of you?"

- he'd look at you in shock, and wonder why you'd want pictures of someone like him

- "But why? I mean I'm ugly, why not t-"

- "Jimmy Darling don't say that about yourself! You are beautiful!"

- he'd become flustered and let you take pictures of him

- when you showed them the results, he was in shock

- he actually thought he looked good

- he'd proudly show them off to everyone at the show

- "Look at the pictures my boyfriend took!"

James March

- he'd love watching you take photos

- the joy on your face whenever you really liked a picture just made his heart swell with joy

- when he found out the he would show up on camera, he would ask you to take pictures of him while he's killing his victims

- he liked to look back at the terrified looks on their faces

- you'd agree, wanting to make him happy

- so every time James killed someone, you were right next to him, taking pictures of him in action

Kai Anderson

- he'd always have you take his picture for his campaigns

- he'd always have you take pictures of the kills he did with the cult

- he always loves to look at the photos you've taken, saying how important it was that you took them

- every time Kai did anything, you were always there, taking photos to document everything

- and he was so appreciative of it

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