Can't Even Think Straight {21}

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                “Evan, Rory’s here,” my mom called.

                I skipped out of my room and paused, staring my mom down. “You need to learn how to cook woman!” I announced and darted out of the house before she could kill me.

                I got into Rory’s car and he pulled out of the driveway, taking off towards the school. I turned up the music and began to sing along with Thriller.

                “Thriller! Thriller night!” I screamed, attempting to perform the dance.

                “Evan, you look like you’re having a seizure. That is definitely not dancing,” Rory said, glancing at me and shaking his head.

                “You’re just jealous of my mad moves, yo.” I flicked my hair out of my face as I spoke, turning my nose up. He was jealous and he knew it. But, hey, who could blame him?

                Rory rolled his eyes. A few minutes later, we entered the school and walked towards the senior hallway together.

                “I get to go on my first date with Sebastian today,” I said happily.

                “I know, Evan. You’ve only been telling me every five minutes since you got home last night.”

                “You could at least be happy for me! Gosh Rory.”

                “Oh, I’m overjoyed,” he said sarcastically.

                I pouted. “You’re a horrible best friend. You’re going to grow up and be a bitter old man. Oh! You’ll be a cat lady!”

                “Yea, except for the fact that I’m a boy and I’m allergic to cats,” Rory pointed out, stopping and watching me as I put in my locker combination.

                “Details,” I said, waving my hand dismissively.

                I opened up my locker and began to exchange my books. I straightened up and shut my locker, following Rory over to his. I watched him as he exchanged his books.

                “I wonder where Sebastian is taking me,” I said thoughtfully. Probably somewhere amazing to impress me.

                “Evan, if all you’re going to talk about is Sebastian, I swear I’m going to shoot you,” Rory growled. “I don’t want to hear about Sebastian 24/7.”

                “Aw, Rory, you don’t want to hear about me 24/7?”

                “Sebastian!” I said happily, spinning around.

                He flashed Rory an innocent smile as he came over and wrapped his arms around my waist. I kissed him eagerly and rested my head on his shoulder.

                “No Sebastian. I don’t want to hear about you 24/7. Seeing you during class and occasionally afterschool is all I need. I don’t need Evan constantly talking about you. He’s annoying enough when he jumps from topic to topic, but he’s even worse when all he does is ramble on about the same thing,” Rory said, slamming his locker and slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

                “But if I take Evan off your hands for you, you won’t have to constantly hear about me,” Sebastian said, smirking and kissing my cheek.

                Rory glared at Sebastian and Sebastian laughed. He shook his head, amusement entering those beautiful eyes of his.

                “Unless you’re jealous that I’m starting to spend more time with Evan,” he said, his smirk growing.

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