Can't Even Think Straight {14}

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                                                                                ***Evan’s POV***

                “I can’t tell if he’s flirting with me or not!” I said in frustration.

                “Probably not,” Rory said.

                “Rory!” I whined. “I’m not making up what happened in the bathroom or the locker room or outside of Ty’s Grill!”

                “I never said you were. I just know you. You interpret things the wrong way,” he said with a shrug.

                “Rory, HE PINNED ME TO THE FUCKING LOCKERS AND SANG PANIC! AT THE DISCO TO ME WHILE MASSAGING ME WITH MY SHIRT OFF!” I grabbed his shoulders and shook him wildly as I spoke, trying to get my point across.

                Rory smacked my hands off and fixed his shirt. He glared at me. “Don’t shake me. I’ll kick your ass into a different nationality.”

                “He totally wants the D,” I said, nodding. “I know I’m irresistible, but I didn’t think I could turn Sebastian gay this fast. Man, I know how to work my charm. And I’m always so smooth and charming around him. I should’ve known he would be drawn in this quickly!”

                “Evan, you babble like a moron every time you look into Sebastian’s eyes. And you didn’t turn him gay. Come out of your fantasy world,” Rory said, smacking me upside the head.

                “You’re just jealous,” I grumbled, rubbing my head.

                “And again: Come out of your fantasy world,” he said, shaking his head at me in annoyance.

                “Talk to Sebastian for me Rory! Find out how in love with me he is,” I said.

                “Talk to him yourself! You love the sound of your own voice,” Rory said, glaring at me. “I’m not talking to Sebastian for you.”

                “I can’t talk to him!” I said, gasping in horror at the thought. “Then he would know I like him! God Rory; stop being so stupid!”

                “Evan, why don’t you just come out already?” Rory asked. “It would make your life so much easier.”

                “It would make my life so much more complicated!” I cried, staring at him like he was crazy. Which he clearly was. “You know that…they…would come after me!”

                Rory rolled his eyes. “Jason and Kyle won’t touch you Evan.”

                “They’ve threatened to beat me up just because they think I’m gay!” I said, honestly afraid. Jason and Kyle were the most homophobic assholes in our school, and they were always on my case about my sexuality. I had avoided them lately, but it was only a matter of time before they would start harassing me again.

                “They won’t touch you,” Rory repeated firmly.

                “Not until I know if Sebastian likes me or not,” I mumbled, not meeting Rory’s eyes.

                Rory shrugged. “Have it your way. I’m not going to force you to come out about your sexuality. But you need to learn to man up. There are always going to be homophobes.”

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