Can't Even Think Straight {16}

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                                                                                ***Evan’s POV***

                “Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer!”

                I groaned and turned my alarm off, sitting up. I glanced down at Rory and shook him. He grumbled out some curse words before burying his face into my pillow.

                I pouted down at him. “If I have to be awake, so do you!” I said sternly, violently shaking his body.

                “I’m up!” he snapped, forcing himself to sit up. He rubbed his eyes before shoving me out of my bed.

                “AH!” I cried as I thudded onto my floor. I glared at up Rory as he jumped out of my bed.

                “Rude,” I grumbled as he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to my feet.

                I grabbed some clothes for Rory and myself. We changed and fixed our hair before going out to my kitchen to grab some breakfast.

                “Evan, have I ever told you how stupid you are?” mom asked, glancing up at me as we stepped into the kitchen.

                “Good morning to you too,” I whined.

                “Your shirt is inside out you dumbass,” she said, sipping on her coffee.

                “WHAT?! Rory why didn’t you tell me?” I cried as I looked down at my shirt which was, indeed, inside out. I pulled it off and fixed it.

                “I’m not your mother,” Rory said with a shrug, grabbing a poptart and handing me half of it. I snatched it from his hand and bit into it angrily.

                “That was our friendship,” I said flatly as I swallowed the chunk of poptart.

                “Are friendship is a s’mores poptart?”

                “Yes. It is.”

                “You’re a moron.”

                He grabbed his car keys and motioned at me to follow him. I grumbled out threats as I followed him out to the car and got in.

                He drove us to school and the two of us got out of the car. We went into the main lobby of the school and I looked around nervously, ready to bolt at the sight of Sebastian.

                “Evan, calm down. I told you he’ll act like nothing happened,” Rory said, rolling his eyes. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the senior hallway.

                “Rory what are you doing?” I asked in alarm as we neared the senior hallway. “Sebastian’s locker is across from mine!”

                Rory nodded. “I know. You can’t hide from Sebastian forever, Evan. No matter how hard you try, you’ll eventually run into him. So you might as well get it over with so you can stop stressing about it,” he said as we turned down the hallway.

                My eyes shot to Sebastian’s locker and I instantly relaxed when I didn’t see him there. Rory released my wrist, continuing on down towards his locker.

                I went to mine and put in my combination. I began to exchange my books, my eyes darting around in case Sebastian came out of nowhere.

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