Can't Even Think Straight {11}

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                “…and that’s what happened!” I said.

                “So maybe he was really just trying to be nice,” Rory said with a shrug, turning the music in his car up a little.

                I glared at him and turned it back down. Do not turn the music up when I am trying to talk! Ugh, even after being best friends with me for so long, Rory still didn’t seem to understand the main rule. When I talk, you freaking listen. Golden rule.

                “He was grinning and smirking and breathing down my neck and talking about things getting hard!” I cried.

                “Evan, you’re a drama queen. I think you’re just overreacting. Knowing you, it was just a friendly gesture that your mind intensified into something it wasn’t,” Rory said in annoyance.

                He reached to turn the music up again and I slapped his hand, pouting at him. He glared, but put his hand back on the steering wheel and made a left turn.

                “I know what happened Rory!” I said impatiently. He was no freaking help!

                I sighed and turned up the music. Rory was no help to me! Hm, I should advertise for a new best friend. But that might start a riot since everyone would obviously want t be my best friend. I guess I would have to stick with Rory for right now. Sigh.

                “He was in the habit of taking things for granted, granted, there wasn’t much for him to take. And the only thing constant was the constant reminder he’d never change,” the music sang cheerfully.

                “Look, just try to keep your mouth shut. I’m not going to be around every time you try to confess your love to Sebastian. Which, lately, seems to be every time you’re near him,” Rory said as he pulled into Murphy’s driveway and shut the car off.

                We got out of the car together and went up to the door. I rang the doorbell and crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow at Rory.

                “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m always smooth, calm, and casual,” I said.

                “Evan, you’re a moron,” Rory said simply.

                I opened my mouth to reply, but Mrs. O’Doherty pulled the door open at that moment. She smiled at us as we stepped inside and slipped our shoes off.

                “They’re downstairs,” she said, nodding at the stairs that led to the basement.

                “Thanks Mrs. O’Doherty,” Rory said with a nod before we descended the stairs into the basement.

                We moved over towards the couches and I froze. I pressed my lips into a thin, tight line and tried not to glare in hate.

                Sebastian was sitting on the couch, his arms around Cecilia as she sat in his lap. She was on a laptop and they were laughing at something together.

                “Hey guys!” Murphy said, coming over to us with water bottles stacked up in his arms. “Take a seat on the couch!”

                Rory and I sat down on the couch and Sebastian and Cecilia looked over at us. Sebastian gave us that easy smile of his.

                “Hi guys,” he said.

                Murphy set the water bottles down and gestured at Cecilia. “Guys, this is Cecilia. Cecilia, this is Rory and Evan,” he introduced.

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