Can't Even Think Straight {22}

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                “Evan, wake up.”

                “Too busy having wet dreams of Sebastian,” I mumbled, swatting at whoever was now shaking me.

                “Evan, please wake up.”

                “Five more minutes,” I groaned, burying my face against whatever my head was resting on. “Why is my pillow moving?”

                “Because it’s not a pillow. It’s my chest, and I have to breathe to live.”

                “Sebastian!” I cried happily, my eyes snapping open and landing on his face.

                “Yes Evan. You slept over last night, remember?” he said, running his hand through my hair and kissing me.

                I wrapped my arms around him and cuddled against his body. Sebastian shifted to get up, and I growled at him and held him down.

                “Not done cuddling,” I snarled, putting my head back on his bare chest.

                “Evan, we have to go to school,” Sebastian reminded, sitting up and forcing me to sit up with him. “And we’re already running late because you wouldn’t wake up.”

                He got out of bed and held his hand out to me. I pouted but took it, getting out of bed. He led me out of his bedroom and to a bathroom.

                “Shower in here,” he said. He disappeared into his bedroom before returning a minute later with clean clothes for me to borrow.

                 I took the clothes and shut the bathroom door. I turned on Sebastian’s shower, stripped, and got into it.

                “I touched her ohhh she touched my ahhh, it was the craziest thing,” I sang to myself cheerfully as I washed shampoo out of my hair.

                Last night kept replaying in my mind, and I loved it. Sebastian was so sweet. I absolutely loved that about him. Hell, I loved everything about Sebastian. His looks, his personality, his mom’s cooking.

                I shut the water off and got out, drying myself with a towel before pulling on the clothes Sebastian had let me borrow. I looked at the shirt and my mouth nearly dropped.

                Okay, the shirt had his last name on the back of it. Now people would know that not only were we dating, but he was letting me borrow his clothes. Oh god. I am so girly I should change my name to Evangeline. But that’s okay, because I’d be one hell of a sexy girl.

                Boy, Evan. You’re a boy. Gay, not transgender. Get your shit together.

                I pulled on the shirt that proudly proclaimed “Amsel” on the back. I ran a comb through my hair before heading out and back to Sebastian’s bedroom. I didn’t have my school stuff with me, but that was okay!

                Sebastian wasn’t in his room, so I decided to look around. I looked at the pictures on his desk and dresser. Most of them were Sebastian and Murphy, but a few were of him and his parents, and others were him with people I didn’t know.

                I picked up a note that was on his desk and squinted at it. It was written in German, and had a picture of a young Sebastian and some other boy making funny faces at the camera attached to it.

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