Can't Even Think Straight {10}

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                “Gym time! Gym time!” I sang cheerfully as Rory and I walked towards the locker room together.

                “Do you ever shut up?” Rory asked with a sigh.

                I shook my head. “Nope! I love the sound of my voice!”

                “Well no one else does.”

                “You are so mean!”

                I pouted as we entered the locker room together. We went to our lockers and pulled out our gym clothes.

                I pulled off my shirt and admired my body in the mirror. Mmm, I had a nice body. I would fuck myself if I could.

                “Evan, put a shirt on!” Rory said, throwing my shirt at me.

                I caught it and pulled it on, changing into my shorts as well. I followed Rory out to the gym, where our Coach had set up several bases.

                “Baseball today,” he announced as more kids began to pile into the gym.

                I looked over and nearly drooled as Sebastian and Murphy walked into the gym together. They were talking casually, not noticing me eye raping Sebastian.

                He was wearing a tight-fitting black wife beater. His muscles were demanding my attention, even though I also wanted to focus on his ass. His shorts hung just past his knees, and seriously complemented that booty of his.

                “Hey! There are Rory and Evan,” Murphy said to Sebastian, dragging him over to us.

                “Hi guys,” Sebastian said with a friendly smile. He glanced at me and that smile turned to a smirk. “I take it you’re still not going to make eye contact with me Evan?” he asked jokingly.

                Man up Evan! You could look into his eyes for years without getting lost in that trance as long as you kept your wits about you.

                I glanced at his eyes and then immediately snapped my gaze back to the ground. “There. I looked into them,” I said triumphantly.

                “Sebastian! Sudlow! You’re on the blue team. Rory, you and Murphy are on the red team,” Coach said, coming over to us.

                “Wait, why do you call them by their first names, but not me?” I asked, pouting.

                “Because I don’t know you’re name. I just know you’re Jared’s kid,” Coach said with a shrug.

                “My name is-”

                “Don’t care.” Coach turned away and moved to go bark out team positions to other kids.

                “How rude! Everyone knows my name!” I cried angrily.

                “Calm down Evan. Coach isn’t good with names,” Sebastian said, laughing a little.

                “He works with my dad. You’d think he’d at least know my first name,” I grumbled, crossing my arms.

                Sebastian grabbed us blue pinnies and handed me one like the gentleman he was. I pulled the gross thing on over my head and Sebastian and I lined up with the rest of our team to bat.

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