Can't Even Think Straight {7}

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                I opened my front door and shut it. I slipped my shoes off and made my way upstairs to go to my bedroom.

                “Evan?” my mom asked in confusion as I appeared at the top of the stairs.

                “Were you expecting Satan?” I asked.

                “No. I just thought you were in your room. Have you been gone all night?”

                “Jeez! What kind of mother are you?!” I cried, face-palming myself. “I was with my friends all night!”

                “You have friends?” she asked in honest surprise.

                “Yes mother. I have friends,” I grumbled.

                “Well, that’s good. I thought you annoyed everyone too badly for them to hang out with you,” she said, offering me a bright smile.

                “I’m going to my bedroom,” I said miserably.

                I made my way down the hallway and into my bedroom. I set my stuff down and fell back against my bed, staring up at my ceiling. Feeling exhausted, I closed my eyes.


                “I’m going to kill whoever invented Mondays.”

                Rory sighed in annoyance. “Evan, you’ve been saying that all day! Now shut up!” he snapped, slamming his locker and glaring at me.

                I pouted and crossed my arms as I began to follow him towards the cafeteria. “You’re so mean to me.”

                “Because you’re annoying,” he said flatly as we made it to our table.

                Rory sat down and I sat next to him. I pulled an Arnold Palmer out of my lunch bag and opened it, beginning to drink it thirstily.  

                “No it’s not!”

                “Yes, it is!”

                Murphy and Sebastian’s voices drifted over to us and then they appeared at the table, sitting down together. Murphy glared at Sebastian, and Sebastian calmly watched him.

                “No it’s not!” Murphy repeated.

                “Yes, it is.”

                “What are you guys fighting about?” I asked eagerly.

                Maybe Murphy had really pissed Sebastian off and they’d stop being friends! That would teach that man stealing asshole to mess with my man.

                “Sebastian’s trying to tell me that The Long Walk is the most terrifying King book,” Murphy said, rolling his eyes. “It’s not.”

                “Yes, it is. The psychological aspect of that book is terrifying,” Sebastian said with a shrug.

                “Isn’t that a book about a bunch of guys walking? Boring,” I said, rolling my eyes.

                Murphy face-palmed himself and shook his head at me. “Evan, you don’t read, do you?”

                I shook my head. “Nope!” I said. “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”

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