Can't Even Think Straight {17}

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A.N.- Hey guys! Go check out "It Takes Two" by TheLYProject! :) It's really good ^-^ 


                                                                                ***Sebastian’s POV***

                I shut my car off and Murphy and I got out and went into his house. We went down to his basement and dropped onto the couches.

                “Okay Seb, you’re never quiet on a ride home. You’ve barely said a word since lunch. What’s wrong? What happened with you and Evan?” Murphy asked with a concerned frown.

                “Nichts passiert!” I snapped.

                I took a deep breath to calm myself. I wasn’t angry at Murphy, and I had no right to take out my frustration on him.

                “Nothing happened,” I repeated, this time in English.

                “Something definitely happened. You’re like your mom. You only speak German when you’re really upset or angry about something,” Murphy said flatly. “So tell me what happened Sebastian.”

                I forced a smile. “Nothing happened Murphy. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you,” I said, hoping to avoid his question.

                “Sebastian,” he said, narrowing his eyes at me. “What happened between you and Evan today?”

                “He was just being his usual idiotic self,” I said with a shrug.

                I was still shaky from that whole locker room incident. I hadn’t had any idea that Evan could work his body against mine like that.

                Okay, so I had lost control of the situation again. Which meant this source of amusement was getting too dangerous. I would have to drop Evan soon, before things really got out of control.

                I thought my actions would paralyze Evan, like my eyes usually did. But he had grinded right back against me, and that had caught me completely off guard. I hadn’t been expecting that to happen. I was supposed to be the one doing the teasing, not him.

                “Sebastian, seriously. Just tell me what happened,” Murphy begged. “Whatever happened, it seems like it’s really messing with your head.”

                “Murph, you know me. Nothing ever messes with my head,” I said, laughing.

                But I knew he was right. It was messing with my head. All I had wanted to do in that locker room was kiss Evan. Hold him and never let him go.

                No! Stop it Sebastian!

                There was no way, no freaking way, that I had any feelings at all towards Evan. My body was just reacting, and that was it. Nothing more.

                Murphy opened his mouth to say more, but Cecilia chose that moment to bound down the stairs. Gah. I was so not in the mood for her to be calling me Sebby and clinging all over me.

                “Hi Murphy! Hi Sebby!” she said cheerfully, coming over to us with Liam trailing behind her.

                She began to move towards me, probably to sit in my lap again, but Liam shoved by her and jumped into my arms. He wrapped his arms around my neck and smiled at me brightly, giving Cecilia a smug look.

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