Can't Even Think Straight {18}

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                “Rory!” I said, skipping over to him.

                “What?” he grumbled, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

                I pouted and reached out, smacking his face. “Look at me when I talk to you!”

                “Evan, you are so obnoxious!” he snapped, opening his eyes to glare at me.

                “I want to talk to Sebastian today. Help me figure out how to get him alone,” I said, ignoring whatever he had just said. I was more important than him. My problems came first.

                “Gee Evan, I wonder if you could, oh I don’t know, ASK HIM IF YOU CAN TALK TO HIM IN PRIVATE!” Rory cried in irritation.

                “You do not have to raise your voice,” I said sternly. “Inside voices, please.”

                Rory rubbed his temples and shook his head at me. “I hate you so much,” he groaned. “I don’t know why I put up with you.”

                The bell rang and I grabbed Rory’s hand, dragging him with me towards the lockers. I released his hand as I reached my locker.

                Rory slumped against the locker next to me and I glanced at him curiously. “Aren’t you going to go to your locker?” I asked curiously.

                Rory shook his head, watching me put in my combination. “No,” he said.

                “But you’re still wearing your jacket and it’s really hot in the school,” I said, noticing that he was even starting to sweat a little.

                “I’m cold,” he said with a shrug. “I’ll put it in my locker if I get too warm.”

                I shrugged and pulled my locker open. I exchanged a few books before shutting my locker and turning to head to class. My eyes widened a little and I jumped behind Rory in terror as my eyes landed on Jason and Kyle, who had already been watching me carefully.

                “Come on. I’m not being late to class just because you’re afraid of a couple of assholes,” Rory said impatiently, dragging me down the hall.

                Jason and Kyle watched me as we passed by them. Jason dragged his finger across his throat, indicating that they were going to kill me next time they caught me without Rory.

                Psh, what babies! Not trying to kill me just because I was with Rory! Man, I was glad I wasn’t a pathetic coward like them!

                We made our way to class. When lunch rolled around, I went to my locker and put in my combination. I pulled my locker open and grabbed my lunch, my arm trembling slightly.

                I was finally going to ask Sebastian how he felt about me. What if he didn’t like me? I understand that I’m Evan Sudlow and I’m sexy and amazing, but Sebastian was straight, and that was just the harsh reality of the situation.

                Or, at least, I had thought he was straight. Until he, ya know, started grinded on me in the locker room.

                “Well, look who doesn’t have his best friend around to protect him.”

                My eyes widened as Jason’s voice reached my ears. I slammed my locker and turned to run, slamming right into Jason.

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