Can't Even Think Straight {8}

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                The voice had me jumping in surprise. I snapped my mouth shut and sent up a silent prayer to any god that existed to strike Murphy O’Doherty dead where he stood.

                Murphy stepped up in front of us and cocked his head to the side curiously. “What are you two doing roaming the halls? Seb, don’t you have study hall?”

                Yea Murphy well…don’t you have go die class?!

                Yea. I have amazing comebacks. I know. It’s one of my many talents.

                Sebastian nodded. “Yes, I do. But I was helping Evan carry some textbooks down to the science wing,” he explained.

                “Oh,” Murphy said. “So, do you want to hang out afterschool?”

                Sebastian shrugged and nodded. “Sure,” he said with an easy grin.

                “Awesome! My cousin is coming up, so we can all hang out,” Murphy said.

                I watched them in annoyance. Murphy was trying to take my man again, and I was so not happy about that. Sebastian was mine, mine, mine!

                “That sounds like a fun time,” Sebastian said.

                Murphy glanced at the clock on the wall near us and sighed. “I have to get going before my teacher wonders where I am. Bye Seb! Bye Evan!” He gave us a small wave before moving down the hall a little ways and into one of the classrooms.

                Sebastian and I began to walk again. I kept my eyes on my Chucks, realizing that I couldn’t confess anything to Sebastian. I couldn’t let anyone know I was gay. I already had some homophobes on my back just because they were suspicious. If anyone found out, I’d get the shit beat out of me by-

                Well, best not to think about those stupid homophobes.

                “So how long have you and Rory been best friends for? He seems to know you pretty well,” Sebastian said, breaking the silence between us.

                “13 years,” I said, grinning a little as the thought of how we became friends.

                “Why the grin?” Sebastian asked curiously.

                “Because I stole his juice box from him in preschool. He got mad, so he took it back and beat me over the head with it until the teacher pulled him off of me. He told me he hated me and I was a jerk. I told him he was funny. And then we became the best of friends!” I said cheerfully.

                “That makes no sense,” Sebastian said, laughing.

                “Sure it does! I’m irresistible,” I said. “How did you and Murphy get to be friends?” I tried to think back and remember them being friends before I met Sebastian.

                “When I moved here, he was the first person to talk to me. It just kind of clicked,” he said with a shrug.

                “Wait, you haven’t always lived in town?” I asked in shock. HOW HAD I NOT KNOWN ABOUT THIS? Well this certainly hadn’t been on his facebook.

                Not that I had stalked him or anything.

                Sebastian shook his head. “Nope,” he said. “I moved here in the 5th grade, and Murph was the first person to talk to me. He and I sat together during lunch on my first day and started talking. Then we started hanging out. Now he’s my best friend.”

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