Can't Even Think Straight {24}

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                “Sebastian said he loved me,” I said happily.

                “I know Evan. You’ve only told me five trillion times,” Rory reminded me.

                “You could at least be happy for me,” I said with a pout. “Especially since I kept my promise to you and didn’t fuck the guy last ni- I USED THE DIRTY F-WORD OH MY GOD I’M SORRY.” I slapped my hands over my mouth.

                “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Rory said.

                “RORY CONNOR KELLY! YOU JUST SAID THE BAD F-WORD THREE TIMES!” I cried in horror.

                “Sorry mom,” Rory said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

                “I’ll tell your mother on you! I’ll also tell her that while your name is ugly, it is very fun to say. Rory Connor Kelly, Rory Connor Kelly, Rory Connor Kelly,” I chanted happily.

                “You have fun with that Evander,” Rory said, smirking when I whacked him in the arm and pouted.

                “Evan,” I said sternly, whacking him in the arm again. “I’m going to legally change my name to just Evan!”

                “You know you won’t,” Rory said, smacking my hand away as I went to hit him again.

                “I don’t have to. My boyfriend loves me,” I said joyfully.

                “That had nothing to do with what we were talking about, and you just wanted to say it again,” Rory said with a sigh.

                “Psh, no. That totally fit into our conversation- SEBASTIAN AMSEL LOVES ME!” I began to bounce up and down as we walked towards our lockers. “LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!”

                “Yep, you’re definitely gay,” Rory said, shaking his head.

                “But my gay boyfriend loves me so I’m okay with that!” I said happily.

                “Indeed I do.”

                I smiled widely and spun to face an amused looking Sebastian. He held his arms out to me and I jumped into them, kissing him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

                “Sorry Rory,” he said apologetically, flashing Rory a smile. “I can’t control what he says about me, or how often he talks about me.”

                “I don’t talk about you that much!” I said, rolling my eyes.

                “Evan, he’s all you ever talk about,” Rory grumbled.

                “Lies! I talk about other things besides Sebastian. Speaking of Sebastian, did you know he’s in love with me?” I smiled happily and kissed Sebastian.

                “Come on; I better get you away from Rory before you make him mad,” he said with a laugh, grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek.

                “Too late for that,” Rory grumbled.

                Sebastian pulled me away from him and out into the main lobby. I grinned up at Sebastian and squeezed his hand.

                “Say it,” I said eagerly.

                “I love you Evan,” he said, laughing a little.

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