Can't Even Think Straight {12}

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                “Aw that movie is so sad!” Cecilia said as Murphy flicked the lights on.

                Yea, well, so are your attempts at getting with Sebastian you pathetic whore.

                “It is sad,” Sebastian agreed, standing up and stretching. “But it’s an incredible movie.”

                “Well, let’s go bowling now,” Murphy said, turning the TV off. We all nodded and got up, following Murphy upstairs.

                We pulled our shoes on as Murphy called out to his parents that we were leaving. He grabbed a set of car keys and led us out to his car.

                “Cecilia, you can sit in the front,” Sebastian said, giving her a charming smile and opening the passenger door for her.

                “Thanks Sebastian,” she said, a very light blush making its way onto her cheeks as she sat down in the car. Sebastian shut the door and moved around to the side of the car.

                He opened the door and glanced at me. “Are you going to get in Evan?” he asked.

                AW HE WAS HOLDING THE DOOR FOR ME! Gah, such a gentleman.

                “I figured you’d probably want to sit in the middle so that you could be next to Rory,” he said, motioning at me to get in the car.

                I frowned a little but crawled into the car. Eh, it was a whole car ride next to Sebastian. I guess I could deal with being next to Rory…

                Murphy turned on the music. Adam Lambert’s “If I Had You” exploded out of the speakers. I mentally cheered, loving that sexy man and his sexy voice.

                Murphy made a face at the radio and changed the station. I stared at him in horror. How could he change the station when Adam Freaking Lambert was playing?!

                “Murphy, put that song back on,” Sebastian said, bursting into laughter at my expression. “Evan looks like he’s about to kill you. He likes Adam Lambert.”

                Murphy glanced at me and started laughing as well. He switched the station back to Adam Lambert and I smiled happily.

                “Thank you Sebastian!” I said, patting him on the head.

                “Am I your dog now?” Sebastian asked jokingly.

                Doggy style huh? Oh Sebastian, you dirty, dirty boy.

                “Yes,” I said with an affirmative nod, letting my hand drop back to my side.

                A few minutes later, Murphy parked the car and we all got out. We went into the bowling place and rented shoes before heading over to a lane together.

                I pulled the ugly as hell shoes on and looked up at the lane we were on. Oh great. There were no bumpers, and I knew I sucked at bowling.

                “Ladies first,” Sebastian said to Cecilia, bowling a little as he gestured to the lane.

                Cecilia smiled at him brightly and grabbed a bowling ball. She stepped up and looked concentrated as she pulled her arm back.

                Man, I bet she sucked. She was probably worse than me! She would get a gutter ball of every time and look like a complete moron in front of Sebastian. Then I could swoop in and manage to get some strikes and win him over!

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