Can't Even Think Straight {2}

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                “He thinks I’m a freak of nature, and he’s going to completely avoid me forever!” I cried miserably.

                “You are such a drama-queen, Evan. It was embarrassing to watch, but you’ll recover from it,” Rory said, barely paying attention to me as he searched his iPod for a song to listen to.

                “Rory, how can you be on your iPod at a time like this?! MY WORLD IS CRASHING DOWN AROUND ME AS WE SPEAK!” I shouted, grabbing his shirt and shaking him a little.

                Rory slapped my hands off and fixed his shirt before slipping his iPod back into his butt pocket. He raised an eyebrow at me and shook his head, an annoyed expression on his face.

                “Drama-queen,” he grumbled. “You’ll be fine. Sebastian will forget about it by tomorrow.”

                “You don’t know that!” I argued. “Every time he looks at me, he’ll be reminded of it. Today will be forever burned into his brain. It has completely ruined his image of me!”

                “Evan, do you listen to yourself? Because no one else does,” Rory said, sticking his other earphone in his ear and strolling away from me.

                “RUDE!” I called after him, pouting.

                I went to my locker and grabbed my stuff to go home. I straightened up and shut my locker, spinning around to leave and pausing.

                “Hello there,” I said with a smirk.

                Sebastian was bent over at his locker, digging through some papers. His ass was sticking out and I had a perfect view of it.

                “Someone is going to see you.”

                “Dammit!” I cried in surprise, jumping away from Rory. “Don’t sneak up on me! Besides, I thought you had ditched me.”

                Rory nodded. “I did ditch you. I had to get my notebook out of my locker. But now I’m back.” He held his arms out and pointed at himself. “Ta-da.”  

                “Hey Rory, hey Evan!”

                “Hey Murph,” Rory said, nodding at Murphy as he came over to us, Sebastian trailing behind him texting.

                I ducked my head in shame, hoping Sebastian wouldn’t look at me and burst out laughing. Oh, what a nightmare my life had become.

                “Do you guys want to come over and spend the night at my place tonight? We just got Twister, and Liam wants people to play. So I figured you two and Sebastian,” Murphy said with a shrug.

                “Sure. We’ll be there. What time?” Rory asked, speaking for me since I was too busy dying of embarrassment at my lunch ordeal.

                “Right after dinner. So, around six,” Murph said. “We can play Twister with Liam for a little, and then play some video games or watch some movies until we pass out.”

                “Sounds good to me. I’m killer with Pit on Super Smash Bros for Wii,” Sebastian said with a smirk.


                Well, no. Sebastian didn’t have the attitude of an angel whatsoever. But, hey, I liked myself a bad boy. Mmm.

                “Uh…Evan? Are you okay?” Murphy asked, staring at me like I had three heads.

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