Can't Even Think Straight {3}

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                “Hi guys!” Murphy greeted, pulling the door open and smiling at us.

                He stepped aside to let us in. We entered the house and took our shoes off before following him down into the basement.

                My heart stopped as my eyes landed on Sebastian. He was sitting on one of the couches in the basement, typing away on a laptop.

                “Hey, Sebastian! Get off Facebook. Rory and Evan are here, so we can play Twister with Liam now to shut him up,” Murphy said.

                Sebastian looked up and nodded. He turned the computer off and set it down before standing up and striding over to us.

                Sebastian Amsel had a Facebook? Well, hello stalking time…

                Rory nudged me in the side, apparently reading my mind again. Dammit. I really hated when he used his psychic powers on me.

                “Hey, Liam!” Murphy called, cupping his hands over his mouth. “Liam, come downstairs! And bring Twister with you!”

                About 0.5 seconds later, a little boy zoomed down the stairs, nearly crashing into Sebastian. Sebastian caught him easily, steadying him.

                “I brought it Murphy!” the little boy said, bouncing up and down and holding a box labeled “Twister”.

                “Good. Sebastian will help you set it up,” Murphy said.

                Sebastian nodded and took the box from Liam. They went out to an open section of the basement and set the Twister sheet down together.

                “It’s set up! Now you, Rory, and Evan get over here and let’s play right now!” Liam demanded impatiently.

                “Nice to see you too Liam,” I said, rolling my eyes and walking over.

                Liam was Murphy’s 7 year old brother. Sometimes he was the cutest little boy you’d ever meet in your life, and sometimes he was just the bossiest friggin’ brat. But if you called him out on it, he’d give you puppy-dog eyes and fake tears, and you’d be sucked right back into the cute kid act. Oh, he was good.

                “Hi Evan!” Liam said brightly. He thrust the spinner into my arms. “You’re the spinner!” He shoved me onto the nearby couch before bouncing over to the edge of the sheet and nodding at me to begin.

                Friggin’ brat. I’m telling you.

                But whatever. This game meant I got to see Sebastian bent over. Mmm, good ass view, here I come.

                “Right hand blue,” I said after spinning it.

                The four of them put their hands on the blue space. I continued to spin and tell them where to go. I had to fight back a smirk, loving their position. Sebastian was completely bent over and twisted together with Liam. Sebastian’s ass also happened to be right in my line of view.

                Liam grit his teeth, trying not to fall. His tiny arms and legs couldn’t handle being spread out and intertwined with Sebastian’s. Sebastian, however, had long arms and legs, and seemed to be having no problem holding the position he was currently in.

                Murphy noticed that Liam was about to collapse and, knowing that his brother was the sorest of sore losers, pretended to slip.

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