Can't Even Think Straight {6}

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                “Evan! Get your lazy ass up!”

                Someone was shaking me. I rolled over and grunted out something that didn’t make sense at all. Whoever it was continued to shake me until I forced my eyes to crack open.

                “Rory, you better have a damn good reason for waking me up,” I growled.

                “I do. Breakfast is ready.”

                “Wow, it’s a nice day out!” I said cheerfully, jumping out of bed and shoving by Rory. I skipped up the stairs and into Murphy’s kitchen, where his mom was setting down a plate stacked with waffles.

                I sat down and Rory sat next to me a second later. I glanced up and saw that Murphy was trying not to laugh at me. Sebastian had his face buried in his arms, his shoulders shaking with silent laughter.

                “What?” I asked in confusion, looking down at myself.

                My clothes were still on. I ran a hand through my hair, but it didn’t feel like it was very messy. I glanced back up at Murphy and Sebastian, wondering what it was that had them laughing at me.

                Sebastian brought his head up, not meeting my eyes. “You, ah, you like to cuddle in your sleep Evan,” he said, coughing to disguise a laugh.

                I felt my face instantly heat up. I heard Rory snicker next to me and elbowed him in the side, glaring at him.

                “You knew,” I hissed, suddenly remembering him complaining about my night-cuddling habits.

                Rory smirked at me in response. I pouted and glared at the table. Worst best friend ever! Gah. I should sue him for the emotional trauma this was going to cause me.

                I felt a hand on my chin, and then Sebastian was tilting my head so that I was looking at him. He smirked at me.

                “Hey, it’s alright,” he said, clearly fighting back laughter. “I’m sure your future girlfriend will love that.”

                “Right. Girlfriend. Because I’m straight. Definitely not in the closet gay or anything. Totally straight. I love girls. Have wet dreams about them. Yep. Future girlfriend will love that I cuddle in my sleep,” I said, calm and casual as always. They would never suspect that I was gay as long as I kept my cool like that.

                Sebastian pulled his hand away from my chin and let it drop back his side. “Right Evan,” he said, nodding at me and chuckling a little.

                “Sebastian, hand me a waffle! I can’t reach!” Liam whined.

                I jumped, having not noticed him sitting on the other side of Rory. In his Toy Story pajamas and with his messy bed-head, he looked absolutely adorable. But I knew the truth. I could see right to the core of that evil, man-stealing little child.

                “Say please, Liam,” Mr. O’Doherty said as he sat down at the table with the newspaper in his hands.

                “Please,” Liam added, batting his lashes at Sebastian.

                Sebastian nodded and gave Liam an easy smile. He forked a waffle and placed it on Liam’s plate before handing the plate back to Liam.

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