Can't Even Think Straight {23}

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                                                                                ***Sebastian’s POV***

                “Sebastian, can I talk to you for a second?” Rory asked, standing up.

                I nodded and placed Evan on the couch before following Rory upstairs. He led me into Murphy’s room, and eyes shot to the bed briefly.

                The way Evan could so easily control me with the use of his body both frightened and excited me. I didn’t like to be controlled, but with Evan, I secretly enjoyed it.

                Rory shut the door and eyed me carefully. “I told you that if you kept messing with Evan, it would upset me,” he said flatly.

                “What are you talking about?” I asked, honestly confused. I hadn’t been messing with Evan!

                “I know you, Sebastian. You like to be in control. You can control Evan by simply looking into his eyes. He’s a moron. He’s in love with you. Not just your appearance, either. And you know that,” he said.

                Getting even more confused, I nodded. I knew Evan was really in love with me. I could tell by the look in his eyes when he said it. Hell, I doubted if Evan even realized it.

                “If you have sex with Evan, I won’t be happy,” he said, his eyes flashing.

                “You think I’m going to have sex with him and dump him,” I said, starting to understand. “You think I’m just using Evan.”

                “Look into my eyes and tell me you wanted to be with him,” Rory challenged. “You didn’t want to date him. He caught you off guard, and you cracked. That’s the only reason you two are together right now.”

                “I didn’t want to be with him at first. He wasn’t the sort of person I would date. He was obnoxious and idiotic. But somewhere down the road, I did get feelings for him Rory. Honest feelings. I’m not with him for sex. That’s just barbaric, and I’m not that type of person. I sincerely care about Evan,” I said, trying to stay calm.

                Rory shrugged. “Hey, whatever. Just don’t take his virginity. I don’t trust you.”

                “Well Evan trusts me!” I said, starting to lose my patience with Rory. Who the hell did he think he was? I wasn’t in this for Evan’s virginity! I was dating him because I honestly liked him!

                “Like you said: Evan’s idiotic,” Rory said with another shrug.

                I clenched my fists tightly at my sides, trying to keep calm. “I’m not using him Rory. I really care about Evan,” I said.

                “You know what I think, Sebastian? I think you’re going to hurt him. Hell, I think you’re going to shatter him. You’ll break his heart. I can already tell,” Rory said.

                “Shut up!” I snapped, my patience leaving me. “Just shut up Rory!”

                I roughly shoved by him and stormed out of Murphy’s room. I needed to get out of here before Rory really made me angry, and I was taking Evan with me. I would never hurt him.

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