Can't Even Think Straight {13}

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                                                                ***Sebastian’s POV***

                “Are you leaving Seb?” Murphy asked me. Rory and Evan had just left his house.

                I shrugged and nodded. “Yea. I’ve got some things to do at home. I’ll see you tomorrow Murph,” I said.

                “Bye Sebby!” Cecilia said.

                I bit my cheek hard and forced a pleasant smile. God I hated it when people called me anything other than Sebastian. I only didn’t mind it when Murphy or Liam called me by a nickname.

                “Bye Cecilia,” I said, giving them a small wave before pulling on my shoes and leaving the house.

                I got in my car and turned on my music. Jim Verraros singing “Electric Love” blasted out and I turned the volume down a little as I pulled out of the driveway and started towards my house.

                I mumbled along the words of the music as I drove towards my house. I concentrated on my driving and the music, only.

                I pulled into my driveway a few minutes later and shut the car off. I got out and locked my car before letting myself into my house.

                After slipping my shoes off, I went upstairs and into my bedroom. I shut the door and locked it before collapsing on my bed.

                “Okay Sebastian, calm down,” I mumbled to myself.

                Evan Sudlow had almost freaking kissed me outside of Ty’s Grill! I mean, if it hadn’t been for that car honking up the street, he probably would’ve.

                Oh, I knew Evan liked me. How could I not? The guy was head over heels for me and he was extremely obvious about it. It was comical to listen to him babble about how sexy I was and then try to claim he was straight.

                But why I had almost let him kiss me? Surely, that was taking things way too far. I didn’t like Evan, not one little bit. The guy was a hot mess stumbling around in Narnia.

                I just found it fun and amusing to mess with him. I loved teasing him and watching him get lost in my eyes. I knew that’s why he never made eye contact with me.

                He had almost admitted to me that he liked me several times, but Rory and Murphy had stopped him. It was a little frustrating.

                “You do not like Evan Sudlow,” I reminded myself sternly. “You just love seeing his reactions when you flirt with him.”

                I folded my hands behind my head and stared up at my blank ceiling. I would have to be more careful. Fire was only dangerous if you couldn’t control it, and I was starting to lose a little control.

                “Sebastian, you do not have any feelings for Evan whatsoever,” I said. I sighed. Great, now I was talking to myself.

                I rolled over on my bed and mindlessly began to tap my fingers against my pillow. If I could just get Evan away from everyone, especially Rory, I could get him to come out to me.

                But…did I really want him to come out to me? Then he’d expect me to tell him whether or not I liked him. And when I said no, he would get too upset to come near me anymore. Then I couldn’t mess with him anymore. His reactions were so hilarious.

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