Can't Even Think Straight {25}

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                                                                                ***Sebastian’s POV***

                I stared at the door in disbelief. Had that really just happened? Had I really been stupid enough to blurt that out? Had Evan really just walked out on me?

                “Seb? Hey, what happened?” Murphy asked, coming up the stairs with Liam following behind him.

                “Ich liebe Evan,” I whispered. I love Evan.

                “I know you do, Sebastian. You told me. But what just happened?” Murphy asked gently.

                “I accidentally told him the truth,” I said shakily. “I accidentally told him that when it all started, I didn’t have feelings for him. Now he’s mad at me. Hell, he probably hates me. And he has every right to.” I gulped down the string of curse words rising in my throat. Liam was right there, and in my shocked state, I didn’t know if they would come out in English or German.

                “I need to go home. My mom won’t want me staying out this late,” I said, fumbling around my pocket for my keys.

                Murphy reached out and grabbed my trembling hands. He forced me to look into his concerned eyes.

                “Sebastian, Evan loves you. Yea, you screwed up pretty badly. Just let Evan calm down, and then you guys can talk it out and fix everything. Your relationship with him isn’t over. He just needs to calm down, and then everything will get better. I know it will,” he said seriously.

                I nodded at him and he pulled me into a quick hug. I left his house and got in my car, waiting until the trembling in my hands had calmed a little before pulling out onto the road.

                I put on a Panic! At The Disco CD and played Build God, The We’ll Talk. I just didn’t want to listen to anything that would make me think of Evan. The last thing I needed right now was a car accident, though I certainly deserved it.

                I made it to my house and let myself in. I went upstairs and began to head towards my bedroom. All I wanted right now was to be alone.

                “Sebastian Kristof Amsel! Take your shoes off before you come through the house!” mom said sternly, glaring at me from the living room.

                “Sorry,” I mumbled, pulling my shoes off.

                “What’s got you so distracted Sebastian?” dad asked curiously. He was sitting next to mom on the couch.

                What the hell? Might as well tell them. “Evan,” I said quietly.

                Dad raised an eyebrow at me. “Now Sebastian, your mother and I told you that you could date. We gave you permission to when you were 14. But you also promised us that a relationship would never come before school. Evan seemed like a very nice boy, but if he’s going to be this much of a distraction to you, something will have to be done about it.”

                Evan’s hurt expression flashed before my mind, and I felt my patience with my parents  slipping. “Go ahead dad! Do something about it! We’re not even together anymore because I messed it all up like the dumbass I am!” I snapped before storming to my bedroom.

                I fell back on my bed and buried my face in my hands, trying to get control of myself. I would no doubt be grounded for that. I can’t believe I actually just snapped at my father like that.

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