Can't Even Think Straight {9}

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                “She was hanging on him Rory! Like a disease infested monkey hanging on a tree!” I said angrily as we walked into Ty’s Grill, the local restaurant.

                Rory had texted me, asking me if I wanted to go get dinner with him. I had agreed, since I was hungry and I wanted to rant.

                “Just you two?” a perky waitress asked us.

                “Well we don’t have imaginary friends!” I said impatiently.

                The girl stared at me in surprise before slowly nodding and turning to lead us to a table. She set our silverware down and left us with menus before basically sprinting away from the table.

                Rory rolled his eyes at me as he flipped his menu opened and began to scan it without much interest. “So what? They’re probably friends,” he said with an unconcerned shrug.

                “They didn’t look like they were just friends to me!” I said.

                “Ev, it was just a picture,” Rory pointed out.

                “Hi! I’m Laura and I’ll be your waitress! Can I get you something to drink?” a waitress asked, skipping over to us and smiling.

                “We’ll both have Sprite,” Rory said, not even looking up from his menu.

                The waitress nodded and skipped away. Jeez, the workers here were just so friggin’ happy. Didn’t they realize I was having a huge life crisis right now?!

                “Right this way!”

                I glanced up lazily and my eyes widened. I ducked my head and smacked Rory’s arm to get his attention. I nodded over at the waitress who was walking towards us, leading a group of kids.

                Getting the message, Rory lifted his menu to hide his face. I copied him and the group passed us, sitting at the table behind ours. Rory and I pulled our menus down and I glanced over, jealously gnawing at my insides.

                Well, not literally. That would just be painful. But, you get the point.

                That girl from the picture giggled and rested her head on Sebastian’s shoulder. Sebastian smiled down at her cheerfully.

                “Easy over there love birds!” Murphy said sarcastically, laughing at them.

                “Shut up Murphy!” the girl said, smiling and playfully whacking his arm.


                But Murphy just rubbed his arm and continued to laugh. Sebastian said something to the girl, but I couldn’t hear it. Whatever it was, it sent her into another fit of giggles.

                “I could kill that bitch,” I snarled, glaring at her. I kept my head low that I could see them, but they couldn’t see me.

                “You don’t even know her Evan. That could be his sister for all you know,” Rory said.

                “Sebastian is an only child,” I said and slapped a hand over my mouth. I slowly pulled it away and blushed. “Not that I stalk his life or anything.”

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