44 - The Real Jungkook

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You and Jungkook stand on the front porch of Ezekiel's house as you watch the officers - who were originally here on the Chief's commands - walk the Chief, Sora, and Ezekiel into separate patrol vehicles. The Chief and Sora hold obvious scowls on their faces and their footsteps are heavy and reluctant. Ezekiel, on the other hand, is whining loudly about how the officers escorting him are gripping his uninjured arm too tightly. But since the male wears an arm sling to support his healing shoulder, the officers have no choice but to escort him with an iron grip to ensure he doesn't attempt to escape.

"I thought these officers were all here because the Chief ordered them. Why are they suddenly arresting the man who gave them commands?" Jungkook asks confusedly.

"Well, I'm not sure if you heard - to be honest everything that took place just now is a complete blur in my mind - but when Jmin bust down the front door, he mentioned that the arrest of Chief, Sora, and Ezekiel is under the direct order of Justice Choi," you explain.

"Justice Choi?" the bunny hybrid cocks his head to the side. Your heart flips somersaults at the adorable sight you've missed so much, but you quickly scold yourself to further explain the situation before drooling over the man next to you.

"I guess you can say he's Jimin's mentor of some sorts," you respond with pursed lips, trying to find the perfect description of the officer's relation to the Justice.

"Mentor? But he's a judge and Jimin's an officer," Jungkook states with his lower lip jutting out in a confused pout.

"While in most cases they often are, mentors and mentees don't necessarily have to have the same occupation," you explain with a chuckle. "A mentor is just someone you trust to give you helpful advice."

"Oh, I see," the bunny hybrid nods in understanding. His long velvety ears flop gently with the movement and you can't help but reach up to caress the soft appendages. Jungkook's eyelids instantly flutter close and he instinctively leans into your touch. One of his hands fly up to gently clutch at your wrist as if you might disappear if he doesn't hold onto you. "I've missed this."

"Me too, Koo," you whisper back while leaning up on your tiptoes to plant a lingering kiss on his soft lips. "I've missed you."

His eyes fly open to stare into yours and his smile grows wider when he meets your gaze.

"The entire time I was here, not a day went by where I didn't think about what it would be like to finally be with you again-"

"Excuse me, Mr. Jeon? Sorry to interrupt," an officer states awkwardly after clearing his throat. You and Jungkook quickly step back into your original positions, but this time with your hands intertwined. "We need to interview you to get a clear sense of everything that has taken place these past few weeks. We might need to ask you a few questions too, Ms. Y/L/N."

"Right now?" Jungkook asks with a hint of hesitance lingering in his tone.

"Yes, ideally we would start the interview right now. The sooner we start and the more details you are able to provide, the sooner we can finish this case. However, I completely understand if you are uncomfortable with being interviewed right now. We can always reschedule for a later date if you need some time. Although, that does come with the risk of forgetting some details that might be important."

"No, it's alright. I can talk now," the bunny hybrid shrugs nonchalantly. "Can Y/N come too?"

"Yes, of course. Right this way,' the officer nods before leading the two of you to a small group of police officers gathered together.

. . .

When Jungkook had asked the officer if you could tag along to his interview, you had assumed it was because he felt nervous - timid almost. However, your assumption was quickly proven wrong within seconds.

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