10 - Predator vs. Prey

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Throughout the morning, you had dropped into the break room to check up on Jungkook in between your appointments. During the first few visits, the bunny hybrid had been reading a book and drawing in your drawing pad. Your various pencils, pens, colored pencils, and markers had been sprawled around him on the table as his hands worked frivolously. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, one of his ears stood tall on his head while the other ear was slightly bent, and his lips were pressed into a tight line to reveal his prominent left dimple. 

When lunchtime rolled around, you had made your way back to the break room to accompany the bunny hybrid. Your original plan was to talk with Jungkook and perhaps bond with him a little. However, he still seemed a little nervous and gave you somewhat short responses. So instead, you opted to play a show on your iPad for both of you to watch.

During your most recent visits between your afternoon appointments, you noticed Jungkook moved on from drawing to playing games on your iPad. His face was lit up by the screen in front of him and his doe eyes were wide in excitement.

Throughout the day, you took notice of how Jungkook never once flinched when you walked into the room. You smiled at this new milestone and you hoped this meant the bunny hybrid was beginning to trust you a little more.

"Jungkook," you call out softly as you walk into the break room.

The door to the break room is usually closed for privacy purposes, but the bunny hybrid had left the door open throughout the day. When you had asked him about it, he told you it was because it was beginning to feel stuffy in the room. Yet, this was never a problem when Hoseok was in the room with him. You had chuckled softly at Jungkook's explanation, knowing that he was probably feeling lonesome in the room and wanted to listen for you while you worked.

The bunny hybrid looks up from your iPad at the mention of his name. His ears stand tall on his head and he looks at you expectantly.

"I have one more appointment left for the day and then we'll just be open for walk-ins," you inform him. "Since it's almost dinner time, would you like me to order some takeout?"

"No, it's alright," he shakes his head politely.

"Are you sure? I'm not sure when Jin will be back to pick you up, but he usually doesn't return home until late from these trips."

"Oh," the bunny breathes out, seemingly contemplating his options. "Then could you order takeout?"

"Yeah, I'll order right now and it should be here by the end of my appointment," you nod while taking out your phone to order some delivery. "Would you mind waiting for it behind the front counter?" you ask, once you're done placing the order.

"Me?" he asks unsurely.

"Yeah, don't worry. I already paid so you don't have to interact with anyone. In fact, it's not supposed to arrive until after my appointment. But just in case the delivery man comes early or my patient arrives a little late. Would you mind waiting at the front counter? You'll only need to pick up the food," you ramble.

Jungkook nods unsurely and you send him a grateful smile.

"Thanks, bun. Here, let's go to the front. You can bring some things to keep yourself occupied."

The bunny hybrid grabs your drawing pad and a pencil before following behind you. As he rounds the corner of the front counter, he stands awkwardly to the side with your belongings still clutched tightly against his chest. 

You notice his frozen figure from the corner of your eye, causing you to peer up at him and cock your head to the side in confusion.

"You can have a seat, Jungkook," you say as you pull up Yoongi's favorite swivel chair. "Here, have Yoongi's chair. It's the comfiest," you giggle while patting on the seat.

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