13 - Pink With Ear Scratches

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You let out a soft sigh as you set your previous patient's file into its rightful place in the filing cabinet.

"Lunch time!" Namjoon exclaims excitedly, dashing from behind the front counter and into the break room. You chuckle at the wolf hybrid's childish antics and Yoongi groans from where he's sitting in his swivel chair.

"He has the audacity to throw a fuss every time we call him an overgrown puppy when he acts like that?" Yoongi whines, waving his hands frantically to where the wolf hybrid disappeared down the hallway, with his tail flicking behind him in irritation.

"Hey, be nice, kitty," you scold jokingly and Yoongi snarls at you before hitting his forehead against your shoulder softly. "What is it? Does kitty want something?" you taunt.

"Don't call me kitty," the hybrid grumbles into your shoulder.

"My bad," you feign defeat. "Does Lil' Meow Meow want something?"

"Don't call me that either! I'm fierce," Yoongi huffs.

"Yes, a fierce Lil' Meow Meow," you giggle before finally giving in and scratching behind his ears softly, eliciting deep purrs from the hybrid. You smile at the adorable sight of the usually stoic hybrid melting under your touch. To Yoongi's dismay, your hand leaves his ears too soon. "Let's go eat lunch."

You grab Yoongi's hand and you drag him with you towards the break room. As you pass by your office, you stop to knock on the door before poking your head inside the room.

"Hey, guys," you smile. Jungkook and Hoseok are currently cuddled up with each other, watching a video on your iPad. "Time for lunch."

Both of the hybrids' ears perk at the mention of a meal. They stand up excitedly and follow you and Yoongi to the break room where Seokjin and Namjoon are already eating their meals.

Everyone happily jumps into small talk as they enjoy their meal. You listen as Seokjin talks about an adorable eight-year-old patient he had this morning, and how Namjoon almost knocked an entire tray of vaccines out of the cabinet.

"I'm going to go call to check up on the black panther hybrid," you announce once you finish your meal. "I'll be in my office if anyone needs me."

You turn on your heel and head into your office. A small smile tugs at your lips when you notice the blanket strewn onto the side of the couch - clearly displaying where Jungkook and Hoseok had spent the morning in your office.

You take a seat at your desk before picking up the phone on your desk. After a couple of rings, Jimin's bright voice greets you on the other line.

"Hello, Officer Park speaking."

"Hi, Officer Park," you subtly tease with a giggle at his formalities.

"Oh, Dr. Y/L/N! What's up?" Jimin pokes back, with a less formal tone.

"I was just calling to ask how everything went last night? Thank you again for coming."

"No problem! Everything went fine. The hybrid was immediately admitted into the shelter's system and I'm pretty sure I heard the man making an appointment to visit the hybrid in a week," Jimin summarizes.

"Good, good," you hum. "Well, then I guess I'll call the shelter to make sure everything went smoothly this morning."

"Oh, before you hang up," Jimin calls out suddenly causing you to startle. "I have some updates on Jungkook's case."

"Oh, great! What happened? Is he free of his owner's custody?" you ask eagerly while sitting up a little taller in your seat in anticipation. 

"Not yet," Jimin sighs. You furrow your eyebrows as a sudden weight drops in the pit of your stomach. "We visited her at her home this morning but she refused to give up custody."

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