22 - Grammar Police Kook

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"Calm down, Jungkook," you sigh. "You're going to pull my arm off at this rate."

Jungkook lowers his ears and looks at you with a sad pout. He tilts his chin down ever-so-slightly which causes his eyes to glisten under the lights.

"But I want to go home," he frowns. Your heart flutters when you hear him refer to your apartment as home. Since the day you found him, he has been referring to your place as "your apartment" or "Y/N's apartment". Similarly, he still refers to Jin and Jimin's house as "Jin's house" and "Jimin's house". To hear the bunny hybrid feel comfortable enough with you to refer to your apartment as his home makes your heart swell with pride.

"Soon, Koo," you chuckle softly. "I just need to help clean and lock up the clinic and then we'll go." Jungkook stomps his foot impatiently - one of his bunny traits you find adorable. "Why don't you go wait with Hobi at the front? I think by the time Jimin drops by to pick him up, I'll be all set to go."

You watch as the bunny hybrid sulks down the hallway and you finally let out a breath you weren't aware you were holding in. You quickly set out on a search for Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin to help them clean so that everyone can leave sooner. When you find the three males, they're already cleaning the last examination room.

"Wow, you reek of the kid," Yoongi scrunches his nose when you walk into the room.

"Oh, I do?" your eyes widen, unaware of the overbearing scent. "Is it too much? Should I change into my spare scrub or apply some perfume?"

"No, it doesn't bother us. It's just surprising how much his scent spiked within the span of a couple of hours," Namjoon replies before the cat hybrid can complain further.

"That means his heat is approaching faster than we expected," Jin ponders. "Should we have him stay over at Jimin's tonight?" Jin asks the two hybrids for their opinions.

"I don't think that will be necessary. It doesn't smell that powerful yet. Just keep a close eye on him tonight," Namjoon informs and you nod firmly.

"I should've noticed it sooner," you mumble as you wipe down the small counter.

"What do you mean?" Jin asks from where he's mopping the floor.

"Well, I realized he was noticeably more affectionate these past few days but I kind of just brushed it off as him becoming more comfortable around me."

"It's been longer than that, Y/N," Yoongi snorts and you look at him quizzically.

"What do you mean?" you ask as your brows furrow together. Yoongi sends you a sly smirk and he simply shrugs his shoulders. You sigh in frustration at the cat hybrid's stubborn silence.

When you turn to look at Namjoon, his soft triangular ears stand straight on the top of his head and his eyes widen. As the tense silence continues to build, Jin stops mopping and also looks at Namjoon expectantly. The wolf hybrid whimpers when all eyes in the room are on him.

"No comment," he mumbles before grabbing the trash bag hastily from the trash bin and running out of the room.

"Y/N!" Jungkook's excited voice calls out from the front of the clinic. You gently place the cloth down on the counter and make your way out of the room to find the bunny hybrid. When you make it to the front of the clinic, you see Hoseok standing in Jimin's embrace and Jungkook looking at you excitedly.

"Hi, Chim," you smile.

"Hey, Y/N. How was your day?"

"Same as always," you shrug. "Yours?"

"Same as always," he shrugs back and the both of you laugh softly. When your laughter dies down, Hoseok leans in to whisper something into Jimin's ear, and the younger male nods slowly.

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