31 - The Coolest You've Ever Been

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When you and Jungkook push past the heavy doors that lead to your assigned courtroom, you're immediately met with the sight of six familiar faces along with some jury members who have arrived early.

"Jungkook! Y/N!" Jimin smiles when he first spots the two of you enter. The young officer approaches you in long strides and the other five males quickly follow behind him.

"Hi guys," you greet with a small smile.

"What are you all doing here?" Jungkook asks, eyes wide in shock at seeing so many familiar faces.

"We came here to support our favorite bunny hybrid, of course," Jin laughs lightly while patting the shocked bunny hybrid on the back. You can tell that very comment relaxes some of Jungkook's nerves because his eyes brighten almost instantly. Jin quickly catches on to how nervous the bunny hybrid has been feeling all morning and brings a comforting hand up to pet his long ears as a distraction.

"Look, Hobi," Taehyung exclaims excitedly while pointing at Jungkook's outfit. "I told you he looks good. All cute and professional."

"He does," the older dog hybrid hums with a small smile resting on his lips. "I'm so proud of you Kookie."

"You'll do great today, Kook," Yoongi reassures the youngest hybrid when he notices the frown that appears on the bunny's face the moment Jin brings his hand back to his side. Namjoon nods quickly and steps forward to sling an arm around Jungkook's shoulder before guiding him to the front where his seat is located on the left side of the court.

"We'll all be here waiting and cheering for you. If you get nervous, just look at us, take a deep breath, and keep going," the wolf hybrid instructs calmly - using his voice that you've come to recognize as his "professional clinic voice".

"Okay," Jungkook nods as confidence slowly, but surely, surges through his veins.

Once the bunny hybrid sits himself into his seat, he quickly tugs on your hand for you to sit down next to him. Jimin makes his way back to his assigned spot for his job while everyone else takes their seats in the row behind you. You let your eyes wander around the courtroom as you all wait for the top of the hour to approach. In the midst of gazing around, you suddenly feel the bunny hybrid reach out for your hand again. You glance down at your intertwined fingers and smile lightly when he plays with your hand absentmindedly.

The sound of the door clicking open causes Jungkook to tense. His ears perk up slightly and you both turn your heads over your shoulders to catch a glimpse of the newcomer. Your gaze falls upon a woman in her mid-30's wearing a cold expression. Almost instantly, Jungkook's breathing rate picks up and his hand, that's still intertwined with yours, tightens considerably.

"Koo? Is she your owner?" you whisper softly causing the bunny hybrid to turn his attention back to you. When he faces you, your heart breaks upon seeing how scared and distant he looks.

"Y-yeah," Jungkook nods, eyes downcast on his lap.

"Hey," you murmur, bringing a hand out to tilt his chin until he's meeting your gaze again. "She can't hurt you in here. She can't hurt you as long as you're with us - with me. I won't allow it." Your hand grazes the bunny hybrid's jawline until you're cupping his face and rubbing a thumb back and forth on his cheek in a comforting manner. He instantly leans into your touch and his eyelids flutter close.

"Remember, Kook," Namjoon whispers, leaning forward when he smells the spike in anxiety emitting from the young hybrid. "Focus on us. We're here for you."

Your gaze hardens when you make eye contact with Jungkook's owner. Her gaze flickers over to Hoseok sitting in the row behind you which causes the dog hybrid to let out a low menacing growl. The lady startles subtly before she sends you a scowl to which you simply respond with a quirk of an eyebrow. You allow your eyes to trail up and down her figure before scoffing, rolling your eyes, and turning so that you're facing the five males sitting behind you instead of her.

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