18 - The Bunny's Little Crush

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When you open the door to the clinic, you're instantly met with the sight of Yoongi awakening from his nap on his favorite swivel chair.

"I wonder what our patients think when the first thing they see in our clinic is a napping receptionist," you click your tongue while shaking your head softly. Yoongi's ears flick at the sound of your voice and he grumbles softly until he finally peels his eyes open to look at you.

"You're back?" he asks groggily, glancing behind you at the bunny hybrid. You notice the cat hybrid's nose twitching softly accompanied by a look of confusion, but you decide to ignore it when Yoongi makes no intention of asking you anything.

"Do you have my files, Yoongs?" you ask, rounding the corner to look over your patients' files. He nods lazily and points to the small pile sitting nearest to you.

"I like your new clothes, Jungkook. Fits you really well," Yoongi comments as he turns his attention back to the younger male.

"Thanks," the bunny smiles at him. "Where's Namjoon? Y/N bought him some new books," he adds, holding up the bag that's carrying said books.

"He should be in the break room with Jin. They're still eating lunch," Yoongi answers as he glances down at the schedule. "Let me take you, I have something I want to discuss with you," the cat hybrid adds with narrowed eyes on the bunny.

"Okay," Jungkook breathes out in a flustered tone. You watch in amusement as Yoongi quickly whisks Jungkook away down the hall and you shrug at his odd behavior.

You quickly read through all of the files for today before setting them back down on the counter where Yoongi had them neatly stacked. You decide to saunter over to the break room to check in on everyone since your next appointment isn't for another 20 minutes.

"That's Y/N for you," you hear Jin's loud laugh echo down the hallway. "She doesn't usually splurge on herself but she'll jump on any opportunity to spoil the people she cares for. Just be glad she didn't buy the entire store for you. Knowing her, it was probably on her mind at one point."

"Were you complaining about me, bun?" you smirk in amusement as you make your presence known in the break room.

"No!" he quickly squeaks and everyone bursts out laughing.

"Thank you for the new books, Y/N," Namjoon smiles at you before reaching for one to start reading.

"No problem, I'll bring you the next time we go. Jungkook wants to go back soon," you offer and you hear the wolf hybrid's tail thump excitedly against his chair. "So, Yoongs. What did you need to talk with Jungkook about?" you ask, turning your attention to the quiet hybrid.

"Nothing," he shrugs nonchalantly. You raise your eyebrows and you accept his response hesitantly. You have a hunch that the cat hybrid is eager to talk about something, but he just doesn't want you to hear about it.

"Well then," you purse your lips. "Jin, can I talk to you in my office? There are some questions I need to ask about our patients." Your suspicions about Yoongi are confirmed when you notice his eyes light up and his tail flicks softly behind him at the mention of your departure.

"Sure," Jin nods, picking up his food to bring to your office. He follows you into the small, comfortable room before plopping himself down on your couch. "So, what's up?" he asks around a mouth full of food.

"I wanted to ask you about Jungkook actually," you start to which Jin sits up more attentively.

"What about him?"

"Well, I'm sure you ran through our procedure questions when you first examined him on the day I found him. I just wanted to know if you were able to find out anything about his heat cycle?"

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