45 - The Good & Beautiful

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When you and Jungkook finally return to the comforts of your apartment, the bunny hybrid takes a moment to bask in the familiar sights and scents of your home - his home.

"What do you want to do first? Unpack? Are you hungry?" you ask as you toe off your shoes.

"I think-" he starts to respond but gets cut off by a deafening rumbling. Jungkook glances down at his abdomen in shock only to realize it's been nearly a day since he's had a proper meal. The last time he ate something was before Sora dropped by to visit Ezekiel yesterday afternoon.

"I think your stomach is trying to say something," you giggle. "I'll get started on dinner."

"Dinner sounds nice," he hums happily while trailing behind you into the kitchen.

Your heart finally feels at peace with Jungkook underneath the same roof as you once again and you can't help but close your eyes in content as you wash your hands. When you blink them open, you allow your gaze to wander to the bunny hybrid automatically hopping up to sit at his usual spot on the counter, and a smile tugs its way onto your lips.

"Kook? How about I teach you how to cook tonight? If I remember correctly, I once promised to teach you how to cook the moment your case was over."

"I almost forgot about that," Jungkook chuckles, hopping down to also wash his hands. "What are we making?"

For the next 45 minutes, you and Jungkook are constantly sharing laughs and giggles as the two of you navigate your way around the kitchen. You are quite surprised at first because it seems like the bunny hybrid has been lying about his lack of cooking skills - he seems to be a natural. But deep down you know Jungkook is just really good at picking up things that interest him.

When the bunny hybrid finally takes the first bite of his dinner, you watch him anxiously to read his expression. To your delight, a bright smile breaks out across his face and his doe eyes practically widen to twice their size.

"Wow, this is really good!" he exclaims before shoveling more food into his mouth.

"I'm glad you like it," you smile while trying some of the food for yourself.

"You know I already think your cooking is amazing," Jungkook continues. "But I think this meal, in particular, tastes 1000% better because I helped cook it."

"Definitely," you chuckle fondly at his enthusiasm.

"And also because I'm finally sharing a meal with the girl I love again," he adds with a wink and you nearly choke on your food.

A brief silence settles over the apartment temporarily. The only sounds emitting are the faint clatter of utensils meeting the dinner plates and the faintest shuffles of the bunny hybrid's tail wiggling happily.

When you glance up, you notice Jungkook has stopped eating and is gazing down at his food with a blank expression.

"Jungkook? Is everything alright?" you ask with a hint of worry in your voice.

"How did Jimin know to come at just the right time?" he asks curiously.

"Oh, right. I still haven't explained Jimin's plan yet," you chuckle.

"His plan?" the bunny hybrid cocks his head to the side in confusion.

"A few weeks ago - when you had texted me about Sora being Ezekiel's "boss", I had called Jimin to tell him about the news. I wanted to march down over to Ezekiel's house to get you right then," you begin to explain. "But of course, Jimin didn't let me. He told me to wait - and I thought he had finally lost it. At first, I argued with him. I told him I wouldn't just sit here and do nothing when you were in danger. But Jimin began explaining to me the hunch that he had."

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